27 Nov 2011

ESO 3 & 4: Past tense (listening)

Play the video. Read the questions and answers and play the video again. Then, take the test! Once you finish, send it to me. First, write your name, then my teacher's code: badalona.

Do the same with the second video, a song by John Lennon called "Jealous Guy". Here, the song combines Past Simple and Past Continuous.

ESO1: Sports

Let's play! Choose sports in this JClick by Ana Martínez Clemente and Aurelio Salvador Baselga from CEIP San Miguel, Mora de Rubielos (Teruel).

25 Nov 2011

ESO4. Unit 1. Powerpoint Presentation (complete)

ESO4-UNIT 1: UK-The Right Image. Powerpoint Presentation (complete).

  • VOC. Appearance
  • GR. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Frequency adverbs.
  • WR. Description
  • L./SP. Arrangements
  • R. Punks
  • CULT. The UK: England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland.
  • PROJECT: Urban Tribes

View more presentations from bcnhumberto.

24 Nov 2011



List of regular and irregular (i) verbs to learn:

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish
answer answered answered responder
arrive arrived arrived llegar
ask asked asked preguntar
be i was / were been ser
borrow borrowed borrowed tomar prestado
break i broke broken romper
buy i bought bought comprar
catch i caught caught atrapar
clean cleaned cleaned limpiar
climb climbed climbed escalar
collect collected collected colleccionar
come i came come venir
compose composed composed componer
cook cooked cooked cocinar
cut i cut cut cortar
dance danced danced bailar
describe described described describir
discover discovered discovered descubrir
do i did done hacer
drink i drank drunk beber
drive i drove driven conducir
eat i ate eaten comer
enjoy enjoyed enjoyed disfrutar
fall i fell fallen caer
feel i felt felt sentir
find i found found encontrar
fly i flew flown volar
forget i forgot forgotten olvidar
give i gave given dar
go i went gone ir
happen happened happened suceder
have i had had tener
help helped helped ayudar
hurt i hurt hurt herir, doler
invent invented invented inventar
invite invited invited invitar
kill killed killed matar
know i knew known saber
lend i lent lent prestar
leave i left left dejar
lie i lay lain yacer
like liked liked gustar
live lived lived vivir
look looked looked mirar
love loved loved amar
make i made made hacer
meet i met met conocer, encontrar
miss missed missed perder, extrañar
open opened opened abrir
pack packed packed empacar
pay i paid paid pagar
phone phoned phoned llamar por teléfono
play played played jugar
prefer preferred preferred preferir
prepare prepared prepared preparar
push pushed pushed empujar
put i put put poner
rain rained rained llover
read i read read leer
remember remembered remembered recordar
rent rented rented alquilar
rescue rescued rescued rescatar
return returned returned volver, devolver
ring i rang rung llamar por teléfono
save saved saved ahorrar
say i said said decir
search searched searched buscar
see i saw seen ver
sell i sold sold vender
sit i sat sat sentarse
skate skated skated patinar
ski skied skied esquiar
sleep i slept slept dormir
smell smelled smelled oler
speak i spoke spoken hablar
spend i spent spent gastar
start started started comenzar
stay stayed stayed quedarse
stop stopped stopped detener
study studied studied estudiar
survive survived survived sobrevivir
swim i swam swum nadar
take i took taken tomar
talk talked talked hablar
teach i taught taught enseñar
tell i told told decir
think i thought thought pensar
throw i threw thrown lanzar
touch touched touched tocar
try tried tried intentar
understand i understood understood entender
use used used usar
visit visited visited visitar
wait waited waited esperar
walk walked walked caminar
want wanted wanted querer
wash washed washed lavar
watch watched watched mirar
wear i wore worn llevar puesto
work worked worked trabajar
write i wrote written escribir


Below you can find more links to keep practising irregular verbs:

21 Nov 2011

ESO3 & 4: Irregular verbs I. Past tense exercises.

Here you have a list to start learning the English irregular verbs. You can also find four videos to learn the irregular verbs in a fun way: let's rap!

Test yourself! Past tense (IRREGULAR VERBS)


EXTRA: http://www.english-4u.de/iv_quiz4.htm

18 Nov 2011

ESO4. Unit 1: The Right Image [UK]. Appearance; Present tense.

Here you have the Powerpoint presentation with the vocabulary and grammar contents of Unit 1.

16 Nov 2011

ESO4 WRITING: Describing a celebrity

       Sample of a composition: describing a celebrity. In red you can find important connectors you can use (to improve fluency). In blue, expressions to organize the paragraphs. In green, frequency adverbs.


            My favourite singer is Andrea Corr. She is 30 years old and she is from Ireland. She sings in a group called The Corrs.
            She has got dark hair and brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She usually dresses very casual, but in concerts she often wears trendy clothes. She does not have any piercings or tattoos. However she wears a ring and a bracelet in the picture.

•           She is extrovert and friendly. In addition, she has got a good sense of humour. On the other hand, she has a wonderful voice. However, she is very bossy sometimes
•          One thing she loves is singing in concerts. On the other hand, she enjoys playing the tin whistle, a traditional Irish instrument. Nevertheless, she hates long journeys: she is afraid of planes so she normally travels by car.
•          In conclusion, she is a great singer and I think that both her appearance and her personality are always beautiful

ESO4: Unit 1: The Right Image. Describe a celebrity!

Here you have the Powerpoint presentation for Unit 2. I'm also pasting the structure and a sample of the composition you have to write (don't forget to include a picture of the celebrity you are describing!). The assessment will be based on the following criteria:

  • 25% Fluency (connectors: and, but, however, on the other hand, although, in addition, both... and...)
  • 25% Accuracy (agreement, spelling, word order, etc..)
  • 25% Vocabulary (rich vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, phrasal verbs, false friends)
  • 25% Originality (get good ideas and go beyond the standard text; include a photo!)
Remember to hand in your composition ON TIME! Monday, November 21st.

INTRODUCTION. (Name, age, where from, what profession).
My favourite (artist/singer/presenter) is ____. She/he is from ___ and (sings with/stars in/...).
BODY. 1st paragraph (Appearance)
Andrea Corr is... (tall/short, pretty/handsome)
He/She’s got... (hair, eyes, tattoo, ...)
He/She wears... (trendy/scruffy clothes)
BODY. 2nd paragraph (Personality)
He’s/She’s a ........... Person.
However, he/she’s ...........
The only bad thing is .........
BODY. 3rd paragraph (Likes and dislikes)
One thing she loves is...
On the other hand, one thing she hates is... (because...)
CONCLUSION (Your opinion)
I like him/her because I think that he/she is...

Add your own ideas and be original! :)

4 Nov 2011

ESO1: What Can I Do?

Hi lads! This is one of my favourite songs, by my favourite pop group, The Corrs. They are Sharon, Caroline, Andrea and Jim. They are siblings: one brother and three sisters in the same band! They are from Ireland, so they are Irish. Their unique feature is that they mix Celtic music with pop sounds.

Let's watch their videoclip: "What can I do?". Here you have the lyrics. Complete them with the following words:

fly  -  times -  say -  days -  take 

WHAT CAN I DO? (by The Corrs)

I haven't slept at all in _______ (1)
It's been so long since we've talked 
And I have been here many ________ (2) 
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong 

What can I do to make you love me 
What can I do to make you care 
What can I say to make you feel this 
What can I do to get you there 

There's only so much I can _____ (4)
And I just got to let it go 
And who knows I might feel better 
If I don't try and I don't hope 

What can I do to make you love me 
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this 
What can I do to get you there 

No more waiting, no more aching 
No more fighting, no more trying 

Maybe there's nothing more to _____ (4)
And in a funny way I'm calm 
Because the power is not mine 
I'm just gonna let it _____ (5)

What can I do to make you love me 
What can I do to make you care 
What can I say to make you feel this 
What can I do to get you there 

Love me

Answer these questions:

1. What musical instruments do they play? (Jim plays the...; Andrea sings and plays the...)
2. Do you like the song? (Yes, I like it/No, I don't).
3. Can you play any musical instrument? (Yes, I can play.../No, I can't.)

VOCABULARY: drums, electric guitar, Spanish guitar, piano, recorder (=flauta dolça), violin, harp, tin whistle, bodhràn, bouzouki.

NOTE: 'What Can I Do?' Sometimes you make me ask this question to myself when I want you to follow the three rules we have in class:
1-raise UP your hand when you want to talk;
2-sit DOWN propperly;
3-use the computer for the lesson (not for other purposes!).
Let's follow them! :)

ESO2: School subjects... in a Wonderful Song!

Listen to this song by Sam Cooke: Wonderful World. Then, answer the quizz!


Let's revise the parts of the body with this song. Then we can answer the questions on the left.
 EXTRA: Let's create our own rap song and dance!!

ESO4: The History of Halloween

This is an extra activity for those who want to know more about the origins of Halloween. Take the test, don't be scared! :[

ESO3: Present Simple and Present Continuous

Here is your mission guys!
1.Watch the video once. It is about Mark and Betty, two scientists.
2.Then, watch it again and answer the quizz on the left.
3.Finally, send your results to your teacher (he will tell you the secret code!).
Good luck!


3 Nov 2011

The Crown, the British Isles, the UK, Great Britain, England... What is what?

The Crown, the British Isles, the UK, Great Britain, England... What is what? Watch this video. The speech is very quick! But don't panick, graphics and maps will help you understand. To get it clear, here you have a summary:

  • Geographical terms: The British Isles = Ireland + Great Britain
  • Great Britain (GB) = England + Scotland + Wales
  • Ireland = Republic of Ireland + Northern Ireland
  • The United Kingdom (UK): England + Wales + Scotland + Northern Ireland

And here you have the Union Jack and its formation:

So, the United Kingdom is really the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In Wikipedia you can find the following information: the UK is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another sovereign state—the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea.
The United Kingdom is a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and aparliamentary system, with its seat of government in the capital city of London. It is a country in its own right and consists of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. There are three devolved national administrations, each with varying powers, situated in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh; the capitals of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively. Associated with the UK, but not constitutionally part of it, are three Crown Dependencies and fourteen overseas territories. These are remnants of the British Empire which, at its height in 1922, encompassed almost a quarter of the world's land surface and was the largest empire in history. British influence can still be observed in the language, culture and legal systems of many of its former territories.
  • 2nd ESO: Let's make a display with the map and main geographical features. We will complement it with curious facts (food, monuments, music, language, and so on).
  • 3rd and 4rth ESO: Fill in the map of your passports with the right countries and match the flags accordingly.


Autumn is here! It is the time when leaves fall from the trees, we gather the fruits of the harvest, we eat chestnuts and panellets for the Castanyada and celebrate All Saints Day. In Mexico they also cellebrate El Día de Los Muertos. No doubt, it is a time in which spirits are present, either they are good... or evil. 

In the following link you can find a lot of information about Halloween: its Celtic origins as a day to pay tribute to the dead, its Christian influence, and the witchcraft connections. You can also find ideas for Halloween decorations, fancy dresses and songs among many different categories. Enjoy it and... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

YOUR TURN: Choose your activity according to your level. And Happy Halloween!

1st ESO: Let's make some Halloween masks! Take orange colored card, draw a half-angry face for your pumpkin, cut out the eyes, nose and mouth and... display! Trick or treat? :)
2nd ESO: Let's decorate our corridor with a scary poster! We need a big black card and colored chalks. We can draw a blue moon, a white spider's web and black bats, green witches and monsters and purple clouds and vamps. OoOoOohHhH!
3rd and 4rth ESO: Let's test your knowledge about Halloween! Answer the questionnaire about this festivity, read the curious facts, solve the mystery picture, unscramble the text message and find the Halloween-related vocabulary in English in the soup! We also watch Michael Jackson's famous videoclip, Thriller. Some of you can dance the choreography!