28 Feb 2012

ESO1: Animal description

Here is an elaborated example of your project for this unit:

  • Choose your favourite animal and draw it (colour it in too!) x1
  • Indicate its parts (with arrows) x1
  • Describe it: size, colour... what is it like? x2
  • Food: vegetarian, carnivore... what does it eat? x2
  • Habitat: where does it live? x2
  • Social organization: who does it live with? x2

You can add other curiosities and say why you like it. The number next to each item is the marks worth each section (x1  mark, x2 marks). Do your best! Some of them will be exhibited in the corridor :)

23 Feb 2012

ESO1: Carnival time, animal masks!

Carnival time! Let's combine our present topic with this festivity making animal masks!

Can you identify the animals represented in these masks?

Here you have some of the many activity pages with ideas for our party:

§  A4 or Letter size card stock
§  Crayons, paint, or any coloring material
§  Scissors
§  Hole punch
§  Elastic string
§  Scotch tape
§  Craft stick (optional)
Pick the animal mask that you like and print it out on A4 or Letter size card stock:
·         Bunny Mask
·         Lion Mask
·         Monkey Mask
·         Tiger Mask

*You can print out the mask on regular paper but you will need to glue the mask onto card board to make it stiffer.
1. Color or paint the animal using your favorite coloring material. If you chose to print out a colored animal mask, skip this step.
2. Cut out the mask. Ask an adult to help you cut out the eye holes.
3. Notice the pair of little circles on each side of the mask? These are the spots where you need to punch holes for attaching the string. Paper masks normally tear around these holes after a few uses. To reinforce these spots, put scotch tape over the marked holes and fold the tape towards the back of the mask.
4. Punch holes on the pair of marked circles and tie the ends of an elastic string on each hole.
5. Try on your animal mask. It should fit snugly but not too tight. Adjust the length of the string if necessary.

15 Feb 2012

ESO3 & ESO4_A great voice flies away: 'I will always love you' by Whitney Houston

Unforntunately, Whitney Houston, so-called 'The Voice', passed away a few days ago, just before some important music awards ceremony. Yesterday it was Valentine's day so we can listen to one of her most famous songs, I Will Always Love You to pay homage to this great singer.


English & Songs
Learn English by singing songs

Listening exercise
En este ejercicio puedes practicar tu comprensión auditiva.
Haz click en Video para escuchar la canción y completa los recuadros.
by Whitney Houston
If I should stay,
I would only be in your .
So I'll go,
But I know
I'll think of  every step of the way.

And I
Will always love you,
Will always love you.

You, my darling you.
Bittersweet ,
That is all I'm taking with me.
So .
Please, don't cry,
We both know I'm not what you
You .

And I
Will always love you,
Will always love you.

I hope life treats you .
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish you joy and .
But above all this,
I'm wishing you love.

And I will always love you,
I will always love you,
You, darling, I love you.
I'll always, I'll always love you.

ESO4_External exams: Writing Samples

Here you have different samples of writing exercises you may find in your external test. Godd luck and practise!

ESO3: Revision of vocabulary and directions.

EXAM CONTENTS- Wednesday, 15th February 2012.

• Shops (electrical shop)
• Compound nouns (security guard)
• Past Continuous: Affirmative, Negative, Question
• Adverbs (-ly + exceptions)
C. DIALOGUE: Giving directions
D. READING: A police interview about a robbery
E. LISTENING: Conversation with a police officer

Getting ready for the exam? VOCABULARY and DIALOGUE revision in the links below:

7 Feb 2012

ESO4: Reading sample (external examinations). The Yeti.

Read this text carefully and answer the questions. 
The Yeti: Myth or Reality? 
The  Yeti or  Abominable Snowman is a monster  who lives in the 
Himalayan regions of Nepal, India and Tibet. People have believed in
the Yeti for thousands of years and it is part of the Himalayan history 
and mythology.  
The first person who saw the Yeti was a German photographer in 
1925, but many Nepalese people affirm having seen the Yeti as well. 
Mountaineers also say having seen large footprints  in the snow. In 
1970, British mountaineer Don Whillans announced to have seen a 
strange creature when climbing Annapurna. According to Whillans, he 
heard some strange screams. His Sherpa guide believed to be a Yeti's 
call. That night, he saw a dark shape moving near his camp. The next 
day, he observed some human-like footprints in the snow, and that 
evening, viewed with binoculars a creature that was searching for 
food not far from his camp. However, expeditions to find the Yeti 
have failed, perhaps because of the difficult weather conditions in the 
Himalayas, thus there is no scientific evidence about its existence.  
The Nepalese describe the Yeti as a nocturnal creature, which kills
animals, but which is not necessarily dangerous to  humans. It is
approximately 1’82m tall, has human characteristics, and is covered
with short brown hair and has white spots on his chest. He has a
broad face, a large mouth and long teeth. His arms are very long and
reach almost to his knees. It stands up when it attacks. When
Tibetans are asked what animal looks like the Yeti, they choose the
The idea of an ancient species surviving for millions of years hidden
from humans is difficult to believe but fascinating as shown by other
existing myths such as the Loch Ness monster or the Coelacanth fish.
However, if the Yeti does exist and wants to remain unknown to us,
the frozen landscape of the Himalayas is one of the safest places for
him to be.

Adapted from: http://fun.familyeducation.com/hobbies-andinterests/mythology/35246.html#ixzz1NqUZZoOc and http://www.wikipedia.com

1. Who was the first person who claimed to have seen the 

2. The mountaineer Don Whillans is... 
a) German.  
b) British.
c) Nepalese.  

3.  Don Whillans...   
a) took a photograph of the Yeti
b) saw the footprints of his Sherpa guide in the snow.
c) found footprints in the snow and saw a strange creature.  

4. Most of the characteristics of the Yeti are described in the…
a) second paragraph.
b) third paragraph.
c) last paragraph.

5. How tall is the Yeti? 

6. According to the text the Yeti is... 
a) a human being capable of surviving in frozen landscapes.
b) a tiny, cute pet which lives in cold places.
c) a big creature not always dangerous to humans.

7. The Abominable Snowman looks like... 
a) an orangutan.  
b) the Loch Ness monster.
c) the Coleacanth fish.  

8. True or false? The Yeti... 
a) can scream  
b) has his chest covered with long white hair
c) has no teeth
d) has small feet
e) is dangerous to animals

9. The frozen landscape is ideal for the Yeti because... 
a) he can attack the mountaineer’s camps very easily.
b) the weather conditions make it easy for him to hide himself.

c) if he gets lost he can get home by following his footprints in
the snow.

10. The text... 
a) gives evidence of the existence of the Yeti.
b) proves the non existence of the Yeti.
c) explains that the Yeti’s existence cannot be confirmed.

ESO 4. Listening 3. (External exams: sample)

Two brothers who had never met before accidentally  found 
each other. Listen to their story and answer the questions:  

1. Where did the two brothers meet? 
a) in Hawaii.
b) in England.
c) in New York.

2. When the two brothers met, Joe…
a) was working in England.  
b) was on holiday in New York.
c) was living in Hawaii.  

3.  Joe and Rick…
a) had the same father and the same mother.  
b) had the same father but different mothers.
c) had the same mother but different fathers.  

4. You have listened to…
a) a conversation between Joe and Rick.
b) a piece of news.
c) the weather forecast.