26 Jan 2015

ESO4: Have you ever listened to this song? + Body parts and going to the doctor's (Unit 3)


Form the past participle of these verbs and check its meaning:
REGULAR (-ed): climb-   scale-   crawl-   kiss-
IRREGULAR (3rd column): run-   find-   speak-  hold-

Now, as you listen to this song by U2, order its parts.

Then, check the lyrics.

1-Where is the particle "still" placed?
2-Is the sentence affirmative, negative or interrogative?
3-What two words do we use in the Present Perfect?
Auxiliary: _____ (present tense) + verb  (p____ p______ )
4-When do we usually use the present perfect?
5-In your opinion, what's the meaning of the song?

Look for affirmative and negative forms of the present perfect in the song. Then make the questions that they would answer. For example: Have you climbed the highest mountains? Try adding everyet and already.
Have you ever climbed the highest mountains?
Have you climbed the highest mountains yet?
Have you already climbed the highest mountains?

Quizz: Where are U2 from? What are the two main religions in their country?  What were the Troubles?


How many body parts can you find in the lyrics?

I have climbed the highest mountains
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you.

I have run, I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you.

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.

I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in her finger tips
It burned like fire
(I was) burning inside her.

I have spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone.

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.

I believe in the Kingdom Come
Then all the colours will bleed into one
Bleed into one.
But yes, I'm still running.

You broke the bonds
And you loosed the chains
Carried the cross of my shame
Oh my shame, you know I believe it.

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found

Here you have some games to practise the vocabulary of unit 3.
Try to look up those words you are unfamiliar with
Examples: spleen, pancreas... Where are they? What's their function?

Labelling body parts: 
Description - word-o-rama: 
Other games: http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/health_games/body_parts/body-parts-match-three.html

At the Doctor's:

VOCABUARY: http://www.languageguide.org/english/vocabulary/medicine/

LISTENING: Here you have some video samples to prepare the listening  exercises.

SPEAKING: Prepare a short gag including typical doctor expressions. What's the matter? I've got... Examples:

Doctor-Good morning. What's the matter?
Patient-I've got (a) ... (symptoms)
D-When did it start?
P- ... days ago.
D-Have you already taken any medication?
P- Yes, I've taken (an aspirin...) / No, I haven't.
D-Let's see... It seems you have (a) ... (illness).
P-What can I take?
D-I'll prescribe you some medicine. What do you prefer: (syrup or pills? / tablets or capsules?...)
P-How often should I take them?
D-Once/twice/three times a day/a week, before/during/after the meals.
P-Thank you doctor.
D-Get well soon. Good bye.

20 Jan 2015

ESO3: Giving directions

From: http://www.easypacelearning.com/images/givingdirections.jpg

Have a look to this instructions and follow the instructions of the listening exercise. Then, work in pairs and make your own dialogues!

A-Hello, can you help me?
B-Sure! How can I help you?
A-Where is the...?
B. Go straight ahead. Go past the traffic lights. Then, take the (first/second/third) street on the (left/right).
It's (opposite / next to) the ...
A- Thanks
B-You are welcome

19 Jan 2015

ESO1: Daily routines and question words games

VOC- First, let's revise the daily routines!
https://4blifeinpoland.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/daily-routines.jpgWatch the video below. What are Mr Bean's daily routines?

Then make questions about the video and make your colleagues to answer them: E.g. Where does Mr Bean have breakfast? In the park.

Remember the question words we have learnt.


Work in pairs/groups of three: choose a card at random and make the action so that your classmate guesses whats the routine you are mimicring! Ask questions: E.g. What are you doing? I'm brushing my teeth.

Other videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUXkj6j6Ezw

Revise daily routines (play the cards and mimicry game with your colleagues):

Grammar: Simple Present: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simple-present
Form: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simple-present/form
Exercises on affirmative, negative and interrogative there as well.


Present simple:

Question words:

16 Jan 2015

ESO 3: Crime scene!

Video about vocabulary of crime


Criminals Vocab

Most countries have laws (official rules set by the government). Together, these laws are called "the Law". When people disobey the Law, we say that they "break the law", and we call such people "law breakers" or "criminals". Breaking the law is a "crime".
This criminal (noun)does this...The crime (noun)The action (verb)
accomplicehelps another person to commit a crimeaiding and abettingto aid and abet
arsonistsets fire to other people's property illegallyarsonto commit arson
assassinkills people for political reasons, or in return for paymentassassinationto assassinate
bigamistmarries more than one person at the same timebigamyto commit bigamy
burglarbreaks in to buildings to stealburglaryto burgle
deserteris a member of the armed forces who leaves without permissiondesertionto desert
drug dealerbuys and sells illegal drugsdrug dealingto deal in drugs
forgermakes fake money or documentsforgeryto forge
gangsteris a member of a violent criminal gang (group)gangsterism-
hijackertakes control of a vehicle (plane, ship etc) by force and diverts ithijackingto hijack
hooliganis a violent young troublemakerhooliganism-
kidnappertakes people away by force and demands money to free themkidnappingto kidnap
muggerattacks and robs people in a public placemuggingto mug
murdererdeliberately kills another personmurderto murder
offenderis anybody who breaks the lawcommitting an offenceto offend
pickpocketsteals money etc from other people's pocketspickpocketingto pickpocket
robbersteals money etc, using force or the threat of forcerobberyto rob
shopliftersteals goods from a shop while pretending to be a customershopliftingto shoplift
smugglermoves goods illegally into or out of a country without paying taxsmugglingto smuggle
spysecretly gets information about another countryspyingto spy
industrial spysecretly gets information about a companyindustrial spyingto spy
stowawayhides on a plane or ship to travel secretly and freestowing awayto stow away
terroristuses violence for political reasonsterrorismto commit terrorism
thiefsteals property from other people (without using violence)theftto thieve
traitorbetrays his country to another countrytreacheryto betray
vandaldeliberately destroys or damages public propertyvandalismto vandalize

Crime and punishment: https://www.englishclub.com/english-for-work/police-crime.htm

Questions from law breakers or suspected criminals

  • Why did you pull me over?
  • Have I done something wrong?
  • Is this illegal?
  • What are my rights?
  • Can I call a lawyer?
  • Where are you taking me?
  • Can I make a phone call?

Questions police may ask a suspected criminal

  • Are you carrying any illegal drugs?
  • Do you have a weapon?
  • Does this belong to you?
  • Whose car is this?
  • Where were you at eight last night?

Informing someone of laws and police procedures

  • You are under arrest.
  • Put your hands on your head.
  • I am taking you to the police station.
  • Please get in the police car.
  • You will have to pay a fine for this.
  • I will give you a warning this time.
  • I'm going to write you a ticket.
  • We'll tow your car to the station.
  • Smoking in restaurants is illegal in this country.
  • It is against the law to do drugs in public.

Types of crime

abduction/kidnappingtaking a person to a secret location using force
armed robberyusing a weapon to steal
arsonsetting fire to a place on purpose
assaulthurting another person physically
attempted murdertrying to kill someone (but failing)
breaking and entering
going into another person's home or business with force
child abuseinjuring a child on purpose
domestic violencephysical assault that occur within the home
drug traffickingtrading illegal drugs
drunk drivingdriving after having too much alcohol
fraudlying or cheating for business or monetary purposes
hijackingholding people in transit hostage (usually on a plane)
murder/homicidetaking someone's life through violence
shopliftingstealing merchandise from a store
smugglingbringing products into a country secretly and illegally
speedingdriving beyond the speed limit
terrorismacts of crime against a group (political/religious) or another country
tortureextremely cruel and unfair treatment (often towards prisoners)
vandalismdamaging public or private property (for example with spray paint)
white collar crimebreaking the law in business

Types of punishment

(example offence)
traffic ticket
(speeding, parking)
leaves marks on driving record/involves paying a fine
license suspension
(drunk driving)
driving rights are removed for a certain period of time
(hunting out of season)
pay money as punishment for minor/petty crime
house arrest
(a young offender who is waiting to go to court)
remain in one's home for a certain period of time
community service
(a youth that steals a car for the first time)
do volunteer work such as teaching children about crime or cleaning up garbage
jail time
(man who assaults his wife)
spend a certain amount of months or years locked away from society
life in prison
(a woman who commits homicide)
spend the rest of one's life in prison with no chance of going back into society

easy: http://www.cluedofan.com/onlinegame.htm

Cluedo On-Line Deduction Game

Select a Suspect, Weapon and Room; then click Suggest.
intermediate: http://www.fbi.gov/fun-games/kids/kids
advanced: http://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/games

More: POGO: http://www.pogo.com/hidden-object-games
CLUE: SECRETS & SPIES: http://www.pogo.com/games/clue?pageSection=lp_hauntedhog_rec1_cluess

ESO 1: Daily routine in a boarding school

Warm-up: revise the DAILY ROUTINE vocabulary:


Can you imagine what is life like in a boarding school? It is a school where you don't only studyu, but also pend your free time, have all your meals ans even sleep there! Would you like to study in a boarding school?

Have a look to the daily routine of these students and answer the questions. What kind or school do you think it will be? (what kind of means what type of...):
a. sports school   b. languages school  c. drama school

1. Put in order the activities they do in the morning:
      get dressed / brush their teeth  / have breakfast / comb their hair /  wake up

2. They go to school at...
     seven o'clock / ten past seven / quarter past seven / half  past seven

3. They go to school...
    by car  / by bus  / on foot  / by bicycle

4. What sports do they practise?
5. Where do they eat? And where do they have dinner?
6. When do they have breakfast? And lunch? And dinner?
7. What do they do in their free time?
8. At what time do they come back from school in the afternoon?
    1:45 am /  1:45 pm   / 2 pm   / 2:30 pm
9. Who can study in La Masia? How do they feel in there?
10.What do you prefer, a normal school or a boarding school? Why?

SP/WR: Has your vision of boarding schools changed after watching the video? Why?
Examples for your answers:
-Yes, because I think that living in a boarding school is fun / interesting / great: you can live with your friends!
-No, because I think that living in a boarding school is boring / stressing / sad: you can't see your parents often!