20 Apr 2015


We have read about the best job in the world. There was no need for a CV, just a short video, do you want to try for this year's edition? Have a go!
READING & SPEAKING http://www.tourism.australia.com/campaigns/global-youth-project.aspx

This is an example of a creative way to apply for job. We have also listened to different job interviews and sorted all the typical questions you have to be ready for (e.g. strengths and weaknesses, etc.) and the importance of non-verbal communication and the looks.Listen to the man and answer the questions (ltiple choice): LISTENING http://www.esl-lab.com/jobhunting/jobhuntingrd1.htm

Here you can listen to another interview. Please fill in the gaps of the CV/Resume, it will give you a first idea of what it looks like:

Now, imagine yourself in the future, say in 10 years time, and you see the advertisement for your dream job. How would you apply for it? Most surely the ask you to write a motivation letter and to attach a Europass curriculum, so let's practise these!
How to write motivational letterREADING &WRITING
EUROPASS: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/home
Motivation letter models: http://motivationalletter.com/how-to-write-a-motivational-letter-when-applying-for-job/
For a foreign language teacher: http://resumes-for-teachers.com/samples/ESL-teacher-cover-letter-sample.aspx

EXTRA: pinterest on job stuff:
Inphographics DOs and DON'Ts
http://blogs.biz.colostate.edu/ugrad/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2011/10/good-vs-bad-example1.png http://www.findtherightjob.com/seeker/job-interview-body-language-dos-donts/
Online interview tips:


This year you have worked really hard for the contest, and the results have been amazing. Here you can check the blog for the project. Thank you for your implication you are fantastic! Our project continues in collaboration with local NGOs and communicating it via different media so...Keep tuned!

Email from Senegal:

Dear students,

We have visited the SPER school in the outskirts of Dakar. The taxi driver didn't know were it was exactly but he then told us that he knew the cook at the center! When we arrived, Mr Carvalho and the kids welcomed us, they were very polite. Mr Carvalho showed us the facilities of their school: they have a kitchen, a patio, several bedrooms for the kids and a classroom were they have a small bookcase, three big desks and some chairs and a blackboard. He tells us that kids here arrive voluntarily, through different activities they carry on in the streets. Each of them carry sad stories but they are free to explain them or not. In the SPER (Solidarité pour les Enfants de la Rue) they are devoted to help these children, give them shelter, food and education. So you are actually collaborating beyond education.They are in touch with La Puponnière so they will be so kind to deliver the baby materials and toys to them.

They were really happy to receive your contribution: notebooks, pens, colored pencils.... are very much needed here, as well as clothes. They also loved the footballs! So they really thank you from the bottom of their hearts and send you lots of love. Their smile is the best present we can have.

Here you have some pictures from Senegal, people here is very cheerful, nature is impressive and the Pink Lake... is really pink! Hope you were here. In a way you are (look at the walls!).

Best wishes and congratulations for your hard work

Humberto Burcet


 Monsieur Agustin Carvalho, director of SPER:
 Kids receiving your materials!

 Their classroom
 Library and games. They will contact La puponnière for the baby's stuff
We share the same values! Like in our posters. Now you have cooperated in their education process improving their opportunities through access to your materials... and your support!

Pictures from Senegal:
 Giraffe in a Reserve (Bandia)
Cheerful women in Gorée Island (here there was the House of Slaves we talked about in class)
Kids in a small village in the desert. 

 A bird in the Pink Lake!