21 Mar 2018

TIL: Frankenstein Rap (plurilingual project). 3rd ESO


Here you have our plurilingual project for Sant Jordi: the challenge was to produce a RAP song in all languages currently present in our school... and sing it! The topic is about Mary Shelley's figure of Frankenstein's creature and his search for a father... Who is not there. In a way, the 'monster' is metaphor of our creation process: not only joining different limbs (i.e. students' poems, songs, verses, calligrams) but also working together to find a common rhythm and rhymes across languages. Hope you enjoy the result!
Aquí tenéis nuestro proyecto plurilingüe para Sant Jordi: el reto era producir una canción RAP en todos los idiomas que actualmente están presentes en nuestro instituto... ¡y cantarla! El tema, en honor al aniversario de la publicación del  Frankenstein de Mary Shelley, es la búsqueda de la criatura de la figura de un padre...que no está. De alguna manera, el "monstruo" es la metáfora de nuestro proceso de creación: no sólo unir diferentes miembros (es decir, poemas de los estudiantes, canciones, versos, caligramas), sino también trabajar juntos para encontrar un ritmo común y rimas entre los idiomas. ¡Espero que disfrutéis del resultado!
Llengües presents al projecte: català, castellà, anglès, francès, àrab, rus, igbo, fula, punjabi, urdú, bengalí, xinès, rromanò, romanès, polonès, suec, kichwa, guaraní i llengua de signes en la performance d'avui. El portuguès surt al text però el dia de l'enregistrament no vam poder grabar. Mesmo assim, eu gosto do fato de que esteja presente.

Project recycle batteries

Battery recycling is a recycling activity that aims to reduce the number of batteries being disposed as municipal solid waste. Batteries contain a number of heavy metals and toxic chemicals and disposing them by the same process as regular trash has raised concerns over soil contamination and water pollution.(Wikipedia)

At school we can recycle here, near the teachers' room, and he have made a video and a poster to promote it:

Project Re-clothing


This is our video for the campaign: BE TRENDY, REUSE CLOTHES!

Here you can find where to find your orange containers! Can you find the closest to the school?

The orange container

The orange container is the key element for the collection of textile waste.

The objective of Cooperativa Roba Amiga is to continue to expand the number of containers in Catalonia and to become an element of the landscape of our municipalities. To date, there are more than 1,700 containers distributed throughout the Catalan territory in more than 450 municipalities and private locations that comply with their actions of corporate social responsibility.

The Roba Amiga Cloth  is easily recognizable thanks to its orange color.


Project Sound Pollution

Our video presentation showing the experiment. We had some technical problems but we tried to solve them.

Project by The Gardeners.

We have researched noise pollution in our school. We have downloaded an app to measure the dB in different places and the same time: the canteen, the tWC corridor, the gym,  the yard and our class. We consider it is too noisy. We try to help reduce sound, because noise produce stress, headache and we can't concentrate.

Quantitative research
When? What time
How many dB?
13:45 Wed 13/03
60 dB
53 dB
76 dB
68 dB
Class 4B
74 dB

We have also asked people what they do to reduce noise and how can we help.

We selected two areas: the canteen and our class for an experiment.

At the canteen we have noticed a strategy to keep students quieter: they swith off the lights. Notice the difference in the video:

TRACK A (normal)
TRACK B (with lights off)

We propose to do something similar in class, and we give more ideas. We will try to see if the work!

Source: http://www.protectear.com/us/blog/2017/04/12/noise-pollution-yes-bad-health/Image result for sound pollutionVisit our video: http://bit.ly/2DKgHqW