28 May 2019

2BAC Food for thought

Read the article comparing policies about food waste in the UK and France.
1) What are the differences?
Then look at the map:
2) What does the colour say about the status quo in Spain and Portugal? Use the comparative to express it on your notebook.
3) Zoom in to Andorra: what is the colour? What does it mean? How can we shed some light on it?
4) That is your mission for today: gather some data on the issue.
5) Then look for campaigns against food waste and also about recycling in your own countries (Malaysia, Cuba, Venezuela, El Salvador, Morocco, Andorra, Spain, Portugal...) or worldwide and finally create your own campaign in groups! A commercial in different media will be the final product in groups of 4: poster, social media, radio and TV ad! The world needs you: good luck!


20 May 2019

All: Survey about the school

Take the survey! We will know your opinion about the school. Thank you for your collaboration ;)