23 Sept 2019

BACH. Climate Week + Present tenses (Present S. & Cont. + Present Prefect S. & Cont.). We have been polliting for a long time...

Let's watch this report. Make 6 questions to your classmates (6 Ws). E.g. Where does it take place?

Now have a look to these pictures.

Image result for climate protests
STAND FOR: refuse to endure or tolerate.
STAND ON: be scrupulous in the observance of.

Read the messages and identify the vocabulary, phrasal verbs and puns! Then start thinking your own to create them :)

Image result for climate protestsImage result for climate protestsImage result for climate protestsImage result for climate protests

Every Friday many students demonstrate against global warming and climate change in the world. The fact is that we have been polluting our planet for a long time and currently the Earth has reached one of the highest temperatures in a long time. What can we do to solve this problem? Look at this initiative!This week many schools are celebrating the Climate Week with several activities to be carried out every day. Have a look to the poster and comment on these ideas. Are you upo for the challenge?

  • Can you identify the four tenses in bold present in the text? 
  • When do we use them? 
  • What expressions can help us identify them?

Look at the poster: these are some ideas Spanish schools are going to develop for the week. Can youprovide more ideas? And adapt this poster into Englih in your notebook? We can also display a big one in class or at school!

Try this text about Global Warming using present tenses


Drilling exercises:

Present simple or continuous?


Present perfect

Create your posters!

Make groups and design your poster. You can take the ideas you worked out last year (deforestation, recycling, saving energy or water...). You can use the apps below. Try to combine powerful images and witty messages (rhyme and puns are a plus!). Then share them and explain them in class. We will hang them out at school this Friday.


Which SDG are we working on?
*SDG: Sustainalble Development Goals /ODS: Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible


17 Sept 2019

1BAC: Phonetics - Vowels and simple vocabulary transcription

How many vowels are there in the Spanish system? And in Catalan? Today we will discover how many there are in the English vowel system.

DEFINITION: vowel is a syllabic speech sound pronounced without any stricture in the vocal tract. Vowels are one of the two principal classes of speech sounds, the other being the consonant. Vowels vary in quality, in loudness and also in quantity (length).

Image result for vowels chart

This is the general IPA (International phonetic chart) for vowels. Which ones can you recognise? If you are curious to know how do they ALL of them sound, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UIAe4p2I74

Now, compare, and add the ones in Catalan (and French and Portuguese if you dare!):

Image result for compare spanish catalan french english vowel system

Interactive chart:



Try your knowledge! Use your earphones and do your best! You can try NEW tests (button):

1) Sounds for I (short/long) : https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/pronunciation4/index.php

2) Sounds for A: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/pronunciation2/index.php

3) Sounds for O: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/pronunciation5/index.php

VOCABULARY: what is the word?

4) Animals: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-animals.htm

5) Clothes: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-clothes.htm

6) Body: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-body.htm

7) Family: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-family.htm

8) House: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-house.htm

9) Character: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-character.htm

10) Fruit: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-fruit.htm


If you found it hard. try these EASY ones:

11) Numbers: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-numbers.htm

12) Colours: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-colours.htm

If you found it easy, try these HARDER ones:

11')  Vegetables: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-vegetables.htm

12') Bathroom: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/languages/phonetic-transcription-bathroom.htm

Soon there will be new categories: DIPHTONGS, CONSONANTS, STRESS, INTONATION...

9 Sept 2019

Back to school 2019-2020

Image result for back to school banner

Dear students,

We are BACK TO SCHOOL! What were your holidays like? This year I travelled throughout Asia and I had an amazing time with plenty of stories too tell, which I hope I can share with you during the year. Tell the class about your holidays too and expectations for the year!

Just a reminder of the basics for the course as well, so that you don't miss anything!


TESTS: oral and written  70%
WORK: class and homework 20%
ATTITUDE: participation 10%

There will be a library available for those who want to read extra books, you can take one book at a tinme and then do a task to choose from to round up your final grade. Ideas: book tube, book review...

Textbooks for each level:

-Students Book


TESTS: oral and written  80%
WORK and ATTITUDE: class and homework + participation 20%

Textbooks for each level:

-Students Book

The curriculum will be complemented with severeal projects based on collaborative learning, problem based learning, and enhancing compentences like entrepeneurship, learning to learn, cultural knowledge, and the like.



Image result for mobile phone and earphones chargerWhat rules shall govern our class to do the best of it? Work in groups and decide on what norms can be agreed among all of us, teacher and students. We can propose 5 DOs and 5 DON'Ts per group and then discuss and vote for the ones that will go to the viaual/poster that we will later sign.

Discussion: how should we deal with mobile phones in class?

What other visuals would you like to have in the English class? Let's work on them! E.g. question words, verbs, connectors, vocabulary...


Let's make our poster for rights and rules and our timetable in English.