15 Dec 2011

ESO1: Xmas decorations.

Today I'm not in school-I'm with my 4th ESO students in Barcelona discovering the medieval walls and walking to the Christmas market. Yesterday, we sang a very nice carol, Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer. Congratulations!: you sing very well and it was really fun! :)

Today I propose you two activities:
1- Write a Season's Greetings postcard. Fold a DINA 4, draw a Xmas/Winter element on the cover and your name on the back (one side of the paper). Inside (on the other side of the paper) write a message, for example:  

SEASONS GREETINGS and a Happy New Year 2012!
(Bones festes i bon any nou 2012!)

2- Decorate our class. Here you have some ideas. Use your color-pencils, scissors and glue and... be creative!

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