30 Oct 2012

ESO3 & 4: Trick or treat? Halloween time!

Trick or treat? It's getting colder, windier... and spookier! How much do you know about Halloween? let's start with a basic vocabulary and then we'll listen to a song to learn new words.

DIVERSIFICATION: Listen and repeat (notice the spelling!)

 Now let's watch the videoclip. How many words can you identify?  

CONTEST! WORK IN TEAMS. Worksheet. Let's test your knowledge about Halloween! Answer the questionnaire about this festivity, read the curious facts, solve the mystery picture, unscramble the text message and find the Halloween-related vocabulary in English in the soup! PRIZE FOR THE FIRST TEAM WITH ALL CORRECT ANSWERS! ^_^

EXTRA: Search for the ESO4 entry from last year (2011). You will find a video about the origins of Halloween. Then you can test yourself! How much have you learnt? ENJOY HALLOWEEN! http://zoomenglish.blogspot.com.es/2011/11/history-of-halloween.html

More links:


Spooky spooky! It's Halloween time! And we are going to devote one session to talk about scary stories, learn about Halloween origins and traditions and even make our own Jack-o'-lantern masks and monsters to decorate our class!

1. SONG. Here we have a song to learn about the Jack-o'-lantern face.Look at the list:


a) What parts of the face do appear?
b) What parts are missing?


Pumpkin Pumpkin
Let's give you some eyes
Pumpkin Pumpkin
Let's give you a nose
Pumpkin Pumpkin
Let's give you a scary smile
And now you're a Jack O Lantern

The ghosts and the ghouls and the witches
They will run a mile
When they see my scary smile

Put me in the window
And I'll chase the night away
Because I am a Jack O Lantern
I am a Jack O Lantern
I am a Jack O Lantern

2. VOCABULARY: In the clip they mention three of the following words... which ones? What do the other words mean? Perhaps you can get some help from the picture on the left (from the film Transylvania, now in cinemas!)                     GHOSTS, VAMPIRES, BATS, SPIDERS, GHOULS, MONSTER, WITCHES, GOBLINS, WEREWOLF, MUMMY.    
3. CREATE! Let's make our Halloween masks in just 3 minutes! 

Materials: an orange sheet of paper, a pencil and scissors.
1. Fold the orange paper (A4 size) in two halves (landscape position)
2. Draw a half of the Jack-o'-lantern with the pencil. The middle of the pumpkin must be on the right!
3. Carefully, cut out the nose, the eye, and the mouth. Finally, cut the exterior shape.
Unfold it and... you've got your own Jack-o'-lantern mask! 
You are ready to ask for candies after saying "Trick or treat"! ^_^

EXTRA: If we have time... work in groups of three and create your own monster, mixing vampires' or werewolves' heads with witches' or bats' bodies and spiders' or goblins' feet... invent a name for your creatures and... decorate your classroom!

<<< What is this? A h- - - - - - house.
<<< Who does live in it?
<<< Where is it?

More links:
  • Decorations: http://parentables.howstuffworks.com/slideshows/nesting/13-frightfully-fun-halloween-crafts-make-kids/
  • Videogames and more: http://funschool.kaboose.com/fun-blaster/halloween/index.html?trnstl=1
  • Make-up and customes for your Halloween party: http://www.instructables.com/halloween/
  • Cooking: http://funschool.kaboose.com/fun-blaster/halloween/recipes/ghostly-pears.html

23 Oct 2012

ESO1: Demonstratives and colours

Here you have a video with exercises to practise this/these/that/those and combined with the colours and classroom objects. Notice the pronunciation!

                         Near                                                   Far                         
-Singular          THIS blue pen                                     THAT blue pen
-Plural              THESE blue pens                                THOSE blue pens


If you want to learn more colours, try this game!

Silver, gold, light green, sky blue, salmon, turquoise, fuchsia, navy... did you know about these colours? You have three different levels.



ESO3: Present Continuous

Present continuous (or progessive)  is used for:

a)  Actions that are happening at this moment:
I am reading this sentence right now.
b) Actions that are happening during the present  period of time
I am studying 4th of ESO this year.
c) Arranged actions in the future:
I'm visiting my grandmother this evening.

EXTRA: It can also be used for habitual actions in a negative sense:

d) My little brother is always crying.... I can't stand it!

The affirmative structure uses the subject + verb TO BE as auxiliary + the main verb ending in -ING

I am writing
You are working
He/She/It is playing
We are learning
They are reading

We always negate the auxiliary:

I'm not reading
you aren't listening
he/she/it isn't working
we aren't playing
they aren't writing

The question structure is as follows (like wagons in a train):
(WH-) + Aux. BE + Subject + V-ing...?

Am I teaching?
Are you studying?
Is he/she/it swimming?
Are we playing?
Are they getting ready?

Remember the spelling rules for the -ing form!

Typical time expressions used with this tense are NOW, AT THE MOMENT, AT PRESENT...



ESO3: Present Simple exercises

Here you have some exercises for practising the Present Simple structures. Revise the chart:

I go
I don't go
Do I go ?
You go
You don't go
Do you go ?
He goes
He doesn't go
Does he go ?
She goes
She doesn't go
Does she go ?
It goes
It doesn't go
Does it go ?
We go
We don't go
Do we go ?
You go
You don't go
Do you go ?
They go
They don't go
Do they go ?

We usually find it with epressions such as: often - generally - usually - always - never
every day - every week - every month - every year - sometimes
Remember we use it for habitual actions, universal truths, and 'permanent' situations, for example:

a) I usually go to school by bus. (Habitual action)
b) Water boils at 100ºC. (Universal truth)
c) I live in London.

Structure: subject + verb (base form)

I play football.
You play tennis.
We study here.
They work there.

LOOK! The alarm sounds in the 3rd person singular:

Affirmative: He PLAYS football.
Negative: He DOESN'T play football.
Question: DOES he play football?

Notice that we in the negative, questions, or after modal verbs (can, must...) we don't use the -s at the end:

He doesn't plays.
He doesn't play.

She can plays tennis.
She can play tennis.
