14 Dec 2012

ESO1: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Here you have a version of White Christmas by Lady Gaga, with a fill in the gaps exercise... go for it!
1) http://www.esolcourses.com/content/topics/songs/christmas/elementary/white-christmas.html

2) Match these special days with the corresponding dates:

1. Christmas Day                     a. 24 December
2. Boxing Day                          b. 25 December
3. Christmas Eve                      c. 26 December
4. New Year                            d. 1 January

In Spain we also celebrate the following ones:

5. Christmas Lottery ("La Grossa/El Gordo")       e. 6 January
6. Holy Innocent's Day                                        f.  28 December
7. The Three Wise Men bring us presents            g.  22 December

3) Speaking: What festivity is the most special in your country? When? What happens in Catalonia on 24th December with the Caga Tió? Do you know any Christmas carol in your languages?

4) Recycling:
Can you complete the day numbers with th, st, nd, rd? For example:
We do not go to school on the 23rd of December.

5) Keep practising vocabulary with these games!:

 EXTRA! Let's make Xmas (=Christmas) cards! Get some ideas here: http://www.squidoo.com/buy-unusual-christmas-cards

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