8 Jun 2013

ALL: Outputs 2012-2013

Here we have some outputs of our outstanding work during this year. Thank you for your effort and do always your best!!

Get to know Catalunya Project (Projecte Conèixer Catalunya): video in la Vall de Núria (nature vocabulary).


1st ESO: Introducing myself (portraits), family trees research, fashion show, Halloween masks, Christmas decorations, Sant Jordi calligrams, comparing schools, free time and sports competitions, healthy food and our Dream Houses!

Foto: 1st ESO Dream houses

3rd ESO: Euro-scola campaigns: promotion of 112 service, European health card, volunteering and the right use of videogames. Reading Polynesia. Sant Jordi's poems, comparing family and friends, your bedroom, your future wish list. And the collaboration with the music department for the European Hymn concert.


4th ESO: Polynesia-Melanesia-Micronesia powerpoint presentations, Aboriginal Australian culture, reading Polynesia, formal CVs versus Original CVs.

Foto: 4th ESO Formal and original CVs
Foto: Creative resumés

I will not forget all the role plays and games throughout the year:

1st ESO: where are you from?, what's your phone number?, the Silence King, the music count down, elephant's memory game, body rap and dance, the division line, pictionary and hangman, or the lists!

3rd ESO: going shopping, what do you like?, giving directions, giving advice, and our cultural challenges (Malta, the UK, Scotland, New Zealand, the Caribbean, Hong Kong, Australia and Africa)
4th ESO: external assesment (in Hawaii), transform your classroom in a food court/restaurant; going to a doctor (...your teacher); and the cultural challenges (Cyprus, London, Ireland, the Pacific Islands, Canada, the USA and Asia). And films such as "Rabbit Proof Fence", "Ae Fond Kiss" and "Slumdog Millionaire".

And the visit to the Official Languages School in Badalona and the extraordinary Zero Lessons in German and French and the Advanced lesson for those who are learning French already.

I hope you have learnt a lot during this year. Now, don't be shy, use your English and keep improving it!

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