10 Mar 2014

ESO2: Means of transport

How do you get to places? Check this vocabulary and try the execrcises and games! 10 games.


Buying a ticket:


Watch this video. It's a children's song about transports, can you spot them?

Match with the colours:

-A yellow... SCHOOL BUS
-A (bright) red...
-A (shiny) pink...
-A (long) blue...
-A (little) green...
-A (big) white...
-A (fast) orange ...
-Two purple ...

What is the opposite of the adjectives in brackets?
Are these means of transport QUIET or NOISY?

Finally, can you identify the ones in the picture/look out the window? Which is the fastest? And the longest?

EXTRA: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/category/topics/transport

1 comment:

  1. I believe that also the children should approach to electric mobility, which has many advantages especially for the environment. In fact, it is fighting air pollution, because it does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere as the common gasoline means. In particular, these vehicles do not emit carbon dioxide that causes the greenhouse effect, a phenomenon extremely harmful to our planet. So in this exercise should be inserted between means of transport even electric vehicles.
