29 Apr 2014

ESO3: Writing postcards

On Friday you have to finish the WRITING section in the STUDENTS BOOK, UNIT 6. You will learn how to write a POSTCARD. Try to use the Present Perfect talking about your experiences during holidays. You can make it up!

After holidays you have to bring a POSTCARD with a PICTURE of the place. You have models here. http://busyteacher.org/11817-beginning-level-writing-lesson-made-simple.html

You can upload it then here: http://es.padlet.com/wall/rq96u3093c


Dear Tora,

I’ve been in San Diego for two days now. The weather is pretty nice and we’ve been having a great time. Yesterday, we went to the zoo. We saw some baby tigers–you would have loved them! Maybe we can go there together someday. Anyway, I hope you’re doing well! Take care
- See more at: http://www.readableblog.com/2007/06/30/how-to-write-a-postcard-in-english/#sthash.KRLjRYIo.dpuf

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