20 May 2014

ESO2: Food pyramids

Starter: fun video about food. What are we going to talk about today in class? How many servings per group they recommend? What's the corresponding group of GRAIN in the pyramid below?

Have a look to the standard food pyramid. How many food groups are there? How often do we need to eat from each group very day? How many items can you include in every group? Work in teams and do the most of it!

Did we forget anything? OF COURSE! WATER! Where will you place it in the pyramid? Up in the apex? In the middle face? Or down at the base? (Remember that in this pyramid the most important things are at the base, not like in the social pyramid of the Middle Ages you are studying in Social Sciences!). Have a look!
Iku Food Pyramid

Now draw your own food pyramid drawing some of the items and include the frequency adverbs: HARDLY EVER (fats, sweets), SOMETIMES (dairy and meats/fish/beans), OFTEN (vegetables and fruits), USUALLY (cereal group) and don't forget to add ALWAYS (for water, in the base of the pyramid). Would there be any food you NEVER should eat? (e.g. poisonous mushrooms, or if you are allergic to nuts, for example). Label the food and write sentences giving advice: "You should eat fruit often".

Here you have alternative food pyramids. What are their characteristics? Who are they addressed to? Which one is ironic?


What does this pyramid refer to? Test your vocabulary!

Have a look to the 5 A DAY campaign to have a healthy diet. It refers to the servings per day of what group? A. Cereal  B. Fruits and vegetables C. Meats and fish  D. Milk and dairy  F. Fats, oils and sweets.

Getting your 5 A DAY is easy. There are plenty of ways to add more fruit and vegetables to your daily meals.
Here are some ideas to get you started. From http://teenshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/nutrition/veggies_tips.html  (LISTENING available).

5 Ways to Get Your 5 a Day

You may have heard that you should eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day - which works out to a total of about 2 1/2 cups. But experts actually recommend getting even more than that amount.
http://topthatpublishing.com/site/assets/dContent/titles/4650/5-a-day-closed.jpgThere are no limits on the quantities of tasty fruits and veggies you can enjoy - unless, of course, you load 'em up with butter or dressing, or deep-fry them! But many of us still find it hard to fit fruit and veggies into our meals.
Here are some ideas to help you get into the 5-a-day (or more!) habit:
  1. Start with the first meal of the day. Plan to eat a serving or two of fruit with breakfast every day. Mix it up so you don't get bored. Half a grapefruit, an apple, or a handful of berries on your cereal are all good choices. Continue this pattern by eating vegetables at lunch and at dinner.
  2. Get extra energy from fruit or vegetable snacks. The carbohydrates in fruit and vegetables are great sources of energy. Combine them with a serving of protein - such as a piece of cheese, a cup of yogurt, or a tablespoon of peanut butter, and you get staying power too. Ants on a log, anyone?
  3. Double up on fruit and veggie servings. Recommended servings of fruit and veggies can be small. Unlike other foods, it's OK to double the serving size of fruit or vegetables. Serve yourself a 1-cup portion of broccoli or tomatoes instead of the standard serving of 1/2 cup.
  4. Use fruit and vegetables as ingredients. Enjoy bread? Bake up a batch of zucchini bread and get your veggies along with your grains! Use applesauce instead of oil in your baked goods. Chop up veggies (peppers, carrots, celery) and toss them into your favorite chili recipe. If you don't like vegetables much, sneak them into foods you do enjoy (like grating carrots into tomato sauce or, again, zucchini into bread). It's a great way to get your veggies without having to taste them!
  5. Try a new fruit, vegetable, or recipe each week. Our bodies like variety. So set a goal to try something different each week. You may find a new favorite. One good way to get variety is to eat the fruit and veggies that are in season in your area. They usually taste better than the bland fruit salad or shriveled apples you're used to seeing in the cafeteria.
 Examples of portions: http://cdn.funkidslive.com/wp-content/uploads/5-a-day-5-a-day-Five-fruit-and-veg-a-day-Co-operative-Food_1287044390199.png
Now, plan your healthy menu! EXTRA: Shall we make a campaign at school? Look at the images and get ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Test your vocabulary related to food.Lets see how many words you know related to Food at https://vocabmonk.com
