13 May 2014

ESO4: Fossil and Renewable Energies and the Three R's rule: Reduce, Re use, Recycle!


SPEAKING: Look at the image. What renewable energies can you identify in the picture?

Think of: hydropower, wind, biomass, or solar sources. Where does the energy come from? What do we use to generate energy from them? Do you know any uses or examples in your area?
Now think in pairs: What are the advantages and disadvantages of these energies?
Prepare a speech to explain what you learnt to group B.

SPEAKING: Look at the image. What fossil fuels can you identify in the picture?

Where do they come from? What do we use to generate energy from them? Do you know any uses?
Now think in pairs: What are the advantages and disadvantages of these energies?
Prepare a speech to explain what you learnt to group A.

DEBATE. Once you have exposed what you have learnt, compare these two pictures and debate.
Data: Oil and natural gas supply about 62 percent of the energy we use today

EXTRA: Ideas for your campaign! What's the order in the 3 R's? Do you apply them in your school? And at home? Can we do something else to accomplish them? Share!

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