29 Oct 2014

ALL: Halloween time!!

ESO 1: Short film "The friendly ghost".


True or False
1) The ghost's name is Caspian.
2) The boys receive candy after saying "trick or treat".
3) The boys didn't know Casper was a real ghost.
4) The girl's name is Mary.
5) There are two violinists and two guitarists at the party.

Extra: The girl isn't scared of the ghost. Why? Because...

VOCABULARY AND ACTIVITIES: http://www.xtec.cat/~ihidalgo/hallow/hallow.htm

ESO3 and 4: Short film "Selfie"

Choose the correct answer
1.What kind of fim is the girl watching?
a) Comedy  b) Horror  c) Action
2. What's not her hobby?
a) Puzzle games  b) Photography  c) Chess
3. What is she preparing in the microwave?
a) Pop corn  b) Chips  c) Nachos
4. What Halloween elements can't you see in the decoration?
a) Jack-o'-lantern  b) Bats and witches  c) Skull
5. What did she found in the last piece of the puzzle?
a) Nothing   b) A mask  c) A monster

Extra: Whats do these times refer to? 2:20  2:07
Were you scared? Why? Was the end expected or unexpected?

ESO3: Can you talk about her hobbies? Use the expressions you have learnt (she's into... she's a fan of... she's interested in...)
ESO4: What does she look like? Use the vocabulary you've learnt (She's wearing...)

Do you know any scary story? Share it!

And remember we have many mysterious books at the English Department library! Do you dare????
By the way, if you are into R.L.Stine's The Nighmare Room, i.e. "Pesadillas", here you have an episode you can watch (part 1 and 2): "Don't forget me"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZpa-FmQyNw and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyXpTlVuvzc

More films: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=halloween+short+film+for+kids

ESO1: F-T-T-F-F. Because she's a ghost, too!
ESO3&4 bcaba
ESO3: films, puzzles, cooking, photography, fashion/costumes...
ESO4: make-up, ring, piercing, black nail polish...

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