11 May 2015

CONTESTS: Euroscola in the news, Curiosipics, Time Capsule

We appear in the news! Our Euroscola project with Senegal is on the news, have a look (headlines and from 11:40):

These are the winners of 2015: http://www.euro-scola.com/

Despite the fact we have not won this year I sincerely think you are real winners, you have done an OUTSTANDING job with your campaign SMILING STARS and I congratulate you for that.

Don't worry, there are more contests!:

CURIOSIPICS: http://www.cambridgediscovery.es/page/que_es
You are still on time to upload your pic and vote for the most curious picture!
Prizes:  trips to London and New York, professional cameras, mobile phones...
Deadline: 15 May 2015

TIME CAPSULE: http://www.oxfordculturemania.es/2015/03/05/a-personal-time-capsule/
Create a time capsule and make a video of the process: how do teenagers live in 2015? Let them know what's your lifestyle in 2015... for those who will open it in 2050!
Prize: a weekend in Oxford for your class!
Deadline: extended to 29th May (but voting starts on the 18th May!)
Registration and tips: http://online.oupe.es/ELT/OxfordCompetitions/secondary-competition/index.html?utm_source=Widget&utm_medium=CM&utm_campaign=OxfordCompetition

Good luck!

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