5 May 2015

ESO1: What's for breakfast?

Watch the video and ask quastions to your colleagues. Test your memory! What's for breakfast around the world?
-What's for breakfast in _____? 
-In ____ they usually have __________ for breakfast.
e.g. -What's for breakfast in the USA?
-In the USA they usually have pancakes, bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Now, answer these questions:
What's a typical breakfast like where you live?
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
What do you usually have for breakfast on Sundays?
What are you having in the break today?
What will you prepare for your next birthday?

Song: YUMMY or YUCKY? Listen to this song and sing along! Stop at 1:50, look at the raining foods and guess whats the next weird combination! Then, in groups, invent another YUCKY combination out of two YUMMY ingredients and we will create our YUCKY menu!


Writing: Let's try to add a piece of fruit in our breakfasts, before coming to school or in the break... or both! During two weeks we are going to divide into groups of 3-5 students and record what we have for breakfast each day. We will classify our breakfasts into three colours, like in traffic lights: red (not healthy), orange (so-so), green (very healthy= this includes at least a piece of fruit!): you discuss and decide on how to apply the colours! The goal is to get as many green squares as possible... and incorporate fruit into our breakfasts! Remember to incude 5-a-day!  This is, three portions of vegetables and two servings of fruit.

Milk chocolate and biscuits

Orange juice and fried eggs

Turkey sandwich and an apple

Listen to this text and comment on the 5 tips:

Reading: have a look to this leaflet.

1. What food is it promoting?
2. Where is it from?
3. What vegetables can you identify on the face (cover)?
4. And in the middle part of the second page? Mention vegetable and colour
5. Can you mention two dishes made with potatoes?

More on colours and vegs: http://www.vegetables.co.nz/resources/1files/pdf/leaflet_eatcolours.pdf

Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ab/4c/7d/ab4c7d47a76975fc300275dfc565e177.jpg

EXTRA!: This advertisement is mute. Shall we create a song to go with it? Pay attention to the vocabulary!

GRAMMAR REVISION (video explanations and exercises): 

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