26 Jan 2017


Hi! Thank your for your FANTASTIC ideas to change the world! Here you have a mind map of the ideas you shared in class for your campaigns. You can use bubbl.us or other similar webppages to create mind maps and connect ideas in a visual way.

Remember to fill in the document you can find in your Drive, it will help you create and develop your campaign. The steps to follow are:
1. Brainstorming: what environmental problems do we find around us? Which ones worry or conern us the most? Whaat is in our hands to help?
2. Choose one of the problems and look for the causes and consequences. Are there aany campaigns addressing it? Can we get some ideas and/or contribute to the cause? Look at the visuals of their campaign: posters, videos, logos, mottos.. who are they addressing to? How are they trying to convince people?
3. Create your own campaign. Create a poster and dare with a video too! You can create an online campaign or distribute leaflets. Your materials should be adapted to your audience and your idea! E.g. use recycled paper...
4. Oral presentation: prepare a presentation for the class; all members have to present a different idea of the project.
5. Assess your work and your campaign. What is the impact of your campaign? Have you contributed to change the world for the better? What was your role? How do you assess your performance and your classmates' (in your group and the other groups)?

Good luck: together we can change the world! Think globally, act locally... or beyond! 


Group name: Pinkies
Students: Ana, Alicia, Ceci
Title: Be trendy: don't throw them away, give it a-way!

1. Share here the campaigns you have found on the internet (web pages, pictures…):  

2. Paste here the information you have found about the problem and answer the questions:

  1. What is the problem?
Some people throw away their old clothes.
  1. What are the causes?
They think their clothes are useless.
  1. What are the consequences?
Some people haven’t got any clothes.
  1. What can we do to solve it?
We can mend old clothes and reuse them. 
  1. Who are they addressing their campaign?
People in our town.

3. Design your campaign: POSTER / VIDEO

  1. What is the problem?
  2. Why is it important to solve it?
  3. Who are you addressing?
  4. How are you convincing your target audience?
  5. What materials will you need?

4. Presentation

Divide it in parts. Who is going to say what?

CeciGood mornig. We are Ceci, Ana and Alicia and we are going to show you our campaign about reusing clothes. (...)

5. Conclusions / Self-assessment.

Activity carried on (research, cut, draw, write email, record video, act, interview...)
Marks (1-10)

Strong aspects of the team:

Weak aspects to improve:

Assessment of the other groups (2.5 marks per item; total= 10 marks)

Body language
Quality of materials
Student A

Student B

Student C

Student D

Persuasion (are they convincing?)
(causes and effects; need to act)
(have they reached their goal?)
(clear, attractive, interactive)

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