22 Oct 2019

2BAC: Punctuation

Image result for let's eat children

Remember how important it is to use punctuation correctly...

Let's eat children... is not quite the same as Let's eat, children!

You are about to start university or higher education next year, so it is important to mind your punctuation. Follow these exercises, read the usage and common mistakes and put them into practice in your compositions. Learn the names of each symbol!

Image result for punctuation improve exercises

Including capital letters: https://www.english-at-home.com/business/improving-your-punctuation/

TEST: https://www.niu.edu/writingtutorial/punctuation/quizzes/PunctuationSelfTest.htm
Exercises: http://www.butte.edu/departments/cas/tipsheets/practice_punctuation.html

Did you know that this was the shortest message exchange ever?

Image result for punctuation improve exercises

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