16 Dec 2019

3ESO: ART IN THE 21ST CENTURY... AR= Augmented reality

INTRO: AR in EL PRADO MUSEUM (200 years old!!) +  App Second Canvas Museo del Prado


1.In d______________ space you can be any____, you can be ____thing, you can be _____where!
2.You can p___________ and sc____________ things in 3D space.
3. This is going to change the w___________.
4.You can be in a g____________, you can be in the s______________
5. Artists put people away from their daily r______________ because these experiences are spatial and inter____________.
6.Every_________ will be experimenting , I thinnk that's the ex_________ part!
7. It's about ex_________________, it's about cr____________, pushing your__________ to do some___________ different.

Image result for something somewhere someone
Image result for something somewhere someone

Is there ______one here? No, there is ____body. There isn’t _____one. Oh, yes, look: there is ________one over there! Where? Some_______ behind the tree! I can’t see _______thing. It’s too dark... Oh yes, I can see _________thing now... a shadow... a silhouette... Oh my God, they are bats! I can see them every__________ now! What a horror! There is no_______ to hide!

Image result for pronouns -self

This is Alba. She is _____ friend. That is Leo, is he ______ friend? Yes, he is a friend of mine.
This is Nuria. ____ is my friend. That is Nuno, is ____ your friend?  Yes, he is a friend of ______.
This is my pencil. The pencil is mine. This is my pencil case. It’s ____________. That is your book. The book is y_________. That is his table: the table is ________. That is her notebook: the notebook is _____.
This is our teacher and this is _____/_____ class. It is also ______ class. The class is o___s! This is my dog and this is ________ house. Those dogs are cute. Those are ___________ houses. Those hauouse are ___________.
I love y____. I like my friends: I like  _______! My dog loves m____/u____. The teachers is teaching u__ English, and is teaching th______ French. ANd... I love my________. We should love our___________!

1. digital / any- (x3)
2. paint + sculpt
3. world
4. gallery / street
5. reality / interactive
6. everyone / exciting
7. experimentation / creativity / yourself /something

1 comment:

  1. AR ideas: classics revisited: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQn0lamEtPc
    More AR ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32T3WeCnYa0
