9 Dec 2019

4ESO: Articles about accidents/disasters

Large avalanche on the Pic Baix del Cubil at the ski area of Grau Roig in Andorra on 28th of February, 2015. Triggered from a helicopter explosive drop during control work.

Andorra is a country ready for snow accidents but sometimes natural disasters can become overwhelming, that is why prevention is the key! In this video you can watch a measure they took to avoid a catastrophe.

Have a look to this article that explains what to do in case of an avalanche.

  • Read it and then summarize the main points in your notebook. 
  • What are the main 5 tips?
  • Prepare at least 5 questions to ask to your classmates later (have your answers ready).


EXTRA: This article explains the dos and don'ts in a disaster: what you mustn't do and what you should do in case of an accident or natural disaster.


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