11 Mar 2020

2BAC Advertising and stereotypes

Have a look to this ad. Now compare it to this ad by the same brand in the end of the 20th century. (Spanish version below)

  1. What is the name of the brand?
  2. What is the product they advertise?
  3. Who is the target audience of the ad?
  4. What is the channel?
  5. The textual message (motto or slogan)?
  6. What stereotypes do they portray in the 80s/90s?
  7. How do they try to break these in the new ad?
  8. Boys will be boys mean...
  9. What cases of so-called toxic masculity do appear in that ad?
  10. What is the ultimate purpose of this ad? 
  11. Can some people feel excluded?
There have been some parodies of this ad. Check them out and provide your opinion. Develop critical thinking!

Image result for elements of communication
Image result for elements of communication advertising

DEBATE: a new masculinity?

Scotland Set to Be First Country to Provide Free Pads and Tampons

Its Parliament approved a bill that would make Scotland the first country to end “period poverty.”
Sanitary products for sale at a supermarket in Glasgow.
Do you like this idea? How much tax do these products have in your country? Is there a pink tax? Does it happen the opposite? I.e. similar products are more expensive for men than for women.
Image result for pink tax razors
Image result for pink tax razors
Image result for pink tax razors
 The Sun Online investigated the price difference of products aimed at men and women
Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/4574158/how-men-pay-more-than-double-the-price-for-some-toiletries-than-women/
EXPERIMENT:#likeagirl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJQBjWYDTs

UNIT 4-5-6 What should you pack when travelling?
Image result for vocabulary razor pads tampon

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