27 Apr 2020

3ESO: Lockdown 3rd term (27th April-3rd May)

Malala habló con la revista Teen Vogue sobre el activismo joven y ...

CAPTION: Do you know Malala? Read the text to learn more about this Pakistani activist who won the Nobel Prize at a young age!

Hello guys!

How are you doing this week? Have you already gone for a walk? These are the activities for this week. Send me the correction of your exercises via email with a screenshot of the final score. There are 5 activities.

Thank you!

Best wishes,

 DEADLINE 3rd April

1) Revision: tech vocabulary

2) Reading:

5) Writing. E-mail (deadline: 12th May)
With your answers, send me an email explaining what have you done during these last days and what are your plans for next week (holidays). 50-100 words (5 to 10 lines). Ideas: 
  • HOMEWORK: what type of online lessons do you enjoy the most (videoconference, email, blog) and what is your favourite activity so far
  • LEISURE: What are you doing to keep fit? What new hobbies are you taking?
  • GOING OUT: have you already gone out? why/why not? how was it if you did? What would you do when you can go out?
6) Speaking. (deadline: 12th May). 

Answering machine message. Complain in Customer Service. Leave a message complaining about a gadget you have just bought recently. Follow the example in exercise 6 here: 
-Duration: 20-50 seconds
  1. -Say your name and a contact (email, phone number... you can invent it)
  2. -Say what you bought, when and where, and how much it was
  3. -Say what is the problem
  4. -Say what you expect: a refund, an exchange, a reparation...
  5. -Say thank you and good bye.
Example: Good morning, my name is X and my phone is X. I'm calling because I bought a X in X last X (e.g. a phone in your shop last week), it costed 200 euros and there's a problem: the screen goes black/I can't switch it on/it doesn't charge properly. I'd like to have a refund/it repaired/an exhange, please. Thank you, good bye.

**Answering machine = contestador automático.


The agent, when present, is followed by the preposition BY. 
Humberto teaches English. => English is taught by Humberto.
Samsung produces mobile phones => Mobile phones are produced by Samsung.
The dog will eat the bone => The bone will be eaten by the dog.

Notice the changes in the pronouns (subject to object pronoun): 
I studied English => English was studied by me. (by I)
They bought the French books => The French books were bought by them (by they)
He has enjoyed dancing => Dancing has been enjoyed by him (by he)
She reads fantasy books => Fantasy books are read by her (by she)

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