20 May 2020

4ESO. UNITS 8+9. Robots, apps, AI: essay. Tense revision (5 June)

 1) LISTENING + SPEAKING: Watch this futuristic short video.
1a) L: Answer the questions and send your correction: https://www.liveworksheets.com/qf28477sz
1b) S: Send an audio (.mp3) with your opinion and how do you imagine the future in 2050
  • Use the Future tense: In the future, there will be.../ there won't be...: habrá / no habrá). 
  • The future passive: All housework will be done by robots, for example, cooking will mean activating a 3D printer of your food...
  • Use vocabulary related to all topics we have dealt during the year: school, jobs, leisure, art, routines, food, transport, houses, sport, environment, technology, medicine... you name it! (min. 60 seconds; format .mp3)

2) READING + WRITING: https://www.liveworksheets.com/ur392604rz
2a) R: Complete the worksheet and send your results (don't do the writing here)
2b) W: Write a for/against essay about the use of Robots following the model.

3) GR: Tenses review: https://www.liveworksheets.com/bf1712cx

Will Artificial Intelligence Save or Doom Humanity? | Mark ...

Extra! Pronunciation: https://www.liveworksheets.com/kk298qt
A Parent's Review of ClassDojo
Extra point on Classdojo!

1 comment:

  1. Very useful details provided by you. I hope it would be useful for many of the seekers. Thank you for sharing details here with us.
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