22 Sept 2020

ALL: Language biography

Welcome back to school! Let's start with a reflection on the languages we use reading about linguistic biographies and writing our own.


1) Send an email with a little introduction about you. Model: first paragraph of your worksheet. You'll have the class email address on the whiteboard. Use your educand.ad address.

2) Create a Shared Folder on your Drive. Name it with your NAME SURNAME - ENGLISH. You can change the colout. IMPORTANT! Don't forget to share it with the class email as an Editor, so that you can get your feedback.

3) Create a "Word" document in this folder. Title: My Language Biography. Type your composition. LOOK: use different paragraphs and double check your mistakes (capital letters...).

4) Fast finishers: do this exercise and send a screen shot of your result to the email. SUBJECT: "A language biography". https://es.liveworksheets.com/lh900745kl

5) EXTRA: Produce a collage of your language biography on your notebook/computer

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