22 Oct 2020

2BAC. Breaking stereotypes: the media, superstitions, cultural clashes.


How exaggerated are these comparisons?



If you scracth the surface... /  Chit-chat...  / Catch up with  / Fence


Worried vs preoccupied

Worried means you are anxious or stressed about something. For example- I was worried about my test results.

Preoccupied means being thoughtful about something/someone or wrapped in your own thoughts. For example- I was preoccupied in preparing for my exams that I forgot about my brother's birthday.

Cultural clash vs cultural shock: which is milder?

Culture clash is what happens when there is tension between people because one or both people feel threatened by what the other believes, values and practices. This can be based on a person’s ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, age and/or gender.

Culture shock more accurately describes what an immigrant might feel when he or she first arrives in a new country, submersed in a culture with customs so different than their own. A more mild example on the culture shock spectrum would be what a person who did not properly prepare for his or her first camping trip might feel. You might also feel culture shock in another neighborhood of your own city or in a country on the other side of the world.

LISTENING COMPREHENSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrmk_SS4u_M

LISTENING. CULTURAL SHOCK. Listen to the video. Choose the right alternative and answer the questions.

At the beginning he's worried/preoccupied because he's treating/dealing with a sensitive/sensible topic/theme: cultural differences.

1.     Where do bars/pubs open earlier?

2.     What are the typical times for a traditional pub in England?

3.     Which is more comfortable, a Spanish bar or an English pub?

4.     Which is the biggest shock for the speaker? Mention the different situations. Everything happens...

5.     What is the myth about siesta?

6.     Proxemics is the science that studies the personal space and distance we keep with one another. What is shocking for him?

7.     Rules and regulations: who is better following them, according to him?  How does he illustrate this point?

8.     cup of tea / fried egg: if you have a problem in the UK they put the ________ on and offer you a _____; in Spain, they offer you ______(‽)= ? + ! (unconventional symbol called interrobang)

9.     He makes _____ videos...

10. ... an hour  /  a day  / a week / a forthnight  /  a month / a year


Thomas, our language conversation uxiliary, come from Brighton, and used to live in Spain and now he's living in Andorra. 

Humberto, from Tarragona, lived in the UK for 2 years, and also in Brasil, Russia, Belgium and New Zealand. He's been living in Andorra since 2018. Do you think he'll notice a cultual contrast coming from Catalonia?

Have you ever experienced a cultural shock or clash?


How many superstitions can you spot?

Lexical precision

Black cats, walk under a ladder, Tuesday or Friday 13th... Are you superstitious? Did you know about the different bad luck numbers around the world?

Do you use any amulet for exams or important moments? Can this develop in a OTC*? 
*Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

Which superstitions can we find in Andorra/Spain/the UK/ your country/arouond the world?


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