18 May 2021

4ESO SECOND WORLD WAR project with History and Formació Andorrana. An exhibition of War propaganda



English - Formació Andorrana - History


4th ESO


World War II, also called Second World War, conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45. The principal belligerents were the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—and the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China.


The use of propaganda seeks people to adhere to an idea. Propaganda in wartime must seek to demoralize enemy morale. A primary objective of propaganda aimed at enemy nations is to break down their will to fight and their receivers to fight against a common enemy.


In this exhibition, 4th of ESO students have analysed the use of symbols, colours and caricatures in the propaganda posters used in the Second World War context. In Formació Andorrana and History they have compared their significance in the historical context and the use of propaganda nowadays. In English, they have analysed and compared the advertising codes and the creative use of language, images, colours and symbols.




IMAGES: The use of symbols, colours, caricatures, national characters, string soldiers, caring women, and children as the most vulnerable part of society who is to be protected as they symbolize the future


TEXTS: use of font sizes, bold typography for strength, shape of fonts resembling Hebrew with anti-Semitic messages, the use of colour (red for communism; combined with black and dark colours: danger, violence; use of basic colours.


SYMBOLS: swastikas and the double S for the Nazi apparatus, David stars for the Jews, the compass A for the freemasons: sickle and hammer, star and colour red for the communists, rising sun flag for the Japanese empire.



Con motivo del Día Internacional de los Museos, 4º de la ESO expone esta muestra de carteles de propaganda de guerra, imaginando los museos del futuro y diseñando estrategias de inclusión creando una audioguía en varios idiomas, y un juego de pistas. +Info en los QR

Interactivity and accessibility.


TIL Methodology: use of different languages for the explanation in the museums. Classify your poster according to the Allies/ Axis and these categories:


Llamada a la unión y a la fuerza contra el enemigo

Crida d’unió i força contra l’enemic

Call for union and strength against the enemy

Appel à l'union et à la force contre l'ennemi


Proteger a los más vulnerables de la población

Protegir els més dèbils de la población

Protect the most vulnerable ones of the population

Protéger les plus vulnérables de la population


Humor / Humour / Humour


El humor también forma parte del lenguaje de la propaganda: juegos de palabras, caricaturas del enemigo, uso de estereotipos o símbolos nacionales son usados para trasladar el mensaje

L'humor també forma part del llenguatge de la propaganda: jocs de paraules, caricatures de l'enemic, ús d'estereotips o símbols nacionals són usats per traslladar el missatge

Humor is also part of the language of propaganda: puns, caricatures of the enemy, use of stereotypes or national symbols are used to convey the message.

L'humour fait également partie du langage de la propagande: des jeux de mots, des caricatures de l'ennemi, l'utilisation de stéréotypes ou de symboles nationaux sont utilisés pour véhiculer le message.


Propaganda soviética/soviètica. Soviet propaganda / propagande soviétique


Predomina el color rojo, símbolo del comunismo, y las demostraciones de fuerza de la nación contra el enemigo y el fascismo

Hi predomina el color Vermell, símbol del comunisme, i les demostracions de força de la nació contra l’enemic i el fascisme.
The color red predominates, as a symbol of communism, and the nation's demonstrations of force against the enemy and fascism.
La couleur rouge prédomine, symbole du communisme et des manifestations de force de la nation contre l'ennemi et le fascisme.


Antisemitismo / antisemitisme / antisemitism / antisémitisme


El uso de tipografías que asemejan la escritura hebrea y todo un conjunto de estereotipos son usados para representar de forma peyorativa al pueblo judío.

L'ús de tipografies que s’assemblen a l'escriptura hebrea i tot un conjunt d'estereotips són usats per a representar de forma pejorativa al poble jueu.
The use of fonts that resemble the Hebrew script and a whole set of stereotypes are used to represent the Jewish people in a pejorative way.
L'utilisation des typographies qui ressemblent à l'écriture hébraïque et tout un ensemble de stéréotypes sont utilisés pour représenter le peuple juif de manière péjorative.




Analyst: Example of an analysis

·       Sender: Americans (Allies)

·       Receiver (to whom): Americans

·       Against whom: the Axis

·       Message (code): The Real V for Victory. (English)

·       Symbols: V of victory, Hitler and Japanese being squashed by the working force of America

·       Purpose: joined hands will crack these nuts; nuts is a pun for crazy people (pun) and employers and employees working together with their machines (symbolized as a nutcracker) can win the war.


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