4 Apr 2022

3ESO. Unit 6: Job Sectors and Modals

In today's lesson we are going to... 
1) Listen and talk about job sectors and revise vocabulary
2) Learn about modal verbs (grammar)
3) Read about classroom rules abroad
4) Write our classroom rules
5) Exit game

Question: what did you have for breakfast? Did you drink a glass of milk? Have you ever wondered about the process milk has undergone to arrive to your breakfast?

Watch the video and answer the questions: 



1) Society in terms of work is divided into...             a)  Primary sector
2) Economy is divided in how many sectors?            b) Secondary sector
3) What is work?                                                         c) Tertiary sector
4) Fishery belongs to the...                                         d)  An activity in exchange for a salary
5) Supermakets belong to the...                                   e)  Active and inactive (people who don't work)
6) Factories belonng to the...                                       f) Three

SPEAKING: what is the process for the milk to be on your table this morning?
what is the process for other products? Classify these processes:
 a) obtain milk from cows                b)  buy it at the supermarket   c) farmer milks the cow 
d) milk is processed in factories        e) bottles of milk are transported     f) milk is bottled

Primary sector: ...            Secondary sector...:        Tertiary sector: ...

Comment this graphic (CLIL):





4) School rules 3-writing: https://www.liveworksheets.com/kh2223620mv

Decide with your partner the class rules. Use modals.

5) Homework: Workbook vocabulary and grammar Unit 6.

EXIT TICKET: mention a job in the economic sector you are told to get out!

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