15 Sept 2015

ALL: Dear students


Dear students,

WELCOME to the academic year 2015-16.

This year I will be teaching 2nd, 3rd and 4th of ESO.

Ice-breakers for our first day at school!
Activities to start using and improving your English in a fun way.

ESO1 and 2: 
  • PASS THE BALL and introduce yourself. IN PAIRS: You can ask several questions to your classmate and then talk about him or her to the class.
    • In groups, pairs or walking around the class stopping at any random time indicated by the teacher or another student. You can have a list with question words and complete them: Who is your best friend? What is your favourite food? When is your birthday?
    • Introduce yourself just saying your name and another word in English beginning with the same letter as your first name (you can choose a particular topic, i.e. animals), for example: I'm Ann Ant, I'm Bern Ball, I'm Carles Cat... Then, we'll try to remember these nicknames.
  • GAME: End up with a game: stand up and form a circle, and each student say a word related to a topic (e.g. SUMMER). When a student says a word that does not fit or remains silent, sits down and gets eliminated. The last one standing up is the winner.
  • An extra activity could be to introduce basic instructions in English and hang a poster with them, e.g.: How do you say ... in English? Excuse me I'm late, can I come in?

ESO3 and 4:

  • ASK ATTACK: Draw a big question mark and let students ask you questions. Write them down to ellicit error correction (sentence structure)-, other students can help in the right word order/grammatical correction.
  • LIE DETECTOR: You say three sentences about yourself, two are true, one is false. The class have to guess which one is the lie. The more surprising your true sentences are, the better! If you have proof of it, show them! E.g.:
  1. I have been to Malaysia, Australia and Vanuatu this summer. 
  2. I have learnt some Bahasa Indonesia language.
  3. I have been parachuting.
  • GUESS WHO: in this case, your teacher asks you to write an anecdote about your (e.g. this summer) or a hobby you have, and collects them from you. Then, they are read loud and the class have to guess who is the person who wrote it.
NOTE FOR TEACHERS: It is important to set the assessment criteria in the first day, too. Make it in a clear and concise way, but make all the information available. They can be asked to be the markers of a particular text (written or oral) to experience the way the teacher is going to mark compositions or oral skills.

Exemplify compositions with a good layout and a really bad one to exaggerate the contrasts and make clear what is the model to follow. 

40% Procedures (what you do: compositions, speaking, listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary)
30% Concepts (what you know: written tests, oral tests)
30% Habits (how you do it: homework, dossiers/portfolio, punctuality)

Written compositions:           Speaking:                        Reading:
Pr. Presentation 20%                Pronunciation 20%             2nd ESO Short stories 
Acc. Accuracy 20%                  Accuracy 20%                   3rd ESO Short stories
Fl. Fluency 20%                       Fluency 20%                     4th ESO Romeo and Juliet
Str. Structure 20%                    Acting 20%                        + Voluntary reading
Or. Originality 20%                   Content/Ideas 20%

Specify rubrics for each task.


  • Blue and black pens for notes, green pen for self-marking, red pen for other purposes.
  • Plastic pockets and paper sheets.
  • Pencil, eraser, sharpener, ruler, scissors, glue for specific purposes.
  • Headphones (for listenings)

Books: Readers/Original materials (plenty of them in our library). You can fill in the reading worksheet and grade them, plus write a recommendation (why did you liked it? or not...). Make a collective poster/lino.


  • Digital Students Book MacMillan INTERFACE

You will work on the digital book and sometimes write theory and some exercises in your notes (at the end you will have a dossier per each unit).

  • Paper Workbook MacMillan INTERFACE 

You can write on the workbook; then you will self-mark these exercises and bring doubts to discuss in class.

We will use laptops for acccessing materials, eventually tablets and smart phones when the teacher says so.

Flipped classroom: you will study the theory at home and do the exercises in class!

Digital portfolio (ePortfolio): see this example... are you eager? You can upload your writing, learning reflection/diaries and oral skills productions easily!

Options for teachers to consider (and students!): https://eportfolioreview.wordpress.com/eportfolio-list/

11 May 2015

CONTESTS: Euroscola in the news, Curiosipics, Time Capsule

We appear in the news! Our Euroscola project with Senegal is on the news, have a look (headlines and from 11:40):

These are the winners of 2015: http://www.euro-scola.com/

Despite the fact we have not won this year I sincerely think you are real winners, you have done an OUTSTANDING job with your campaign SMILING STARS and I congratulate you for that.

Don't worry, there are more contests!:

CURIOSIPICS: http://www.cambridgediscovery.es/page/que_es
You are still on time to upload your pic and vote for the most curious picture!
Prizes:  trips to London and New York, professional cameras, mobile phones...
Deadline: 15 May 2015

TIME CAPSULE: http://www.oxfordculturemania.es/2015/03/05/a-personal-time-capsule/
Create a time capsule and make a video of the process: how do teenagers live in 2015? Let them know what's your lifestyle in 2015... for those who will open it in 2050!
Prize: a weekend in Oxford for your class!
Deadline: extended to 29th May (but voting starts on the 18th May!)
Registration and tips: http://online.oupe.es/ELT/OxfordCompetitions/secondary-competition/index.html?utm_source=Widget&utm_medium=CM&utm_campaign=OxfordCompetition

Good luck!

ESO4: Global issues update: NEPAL EARTHQUAKE RELIEF

2015 Nepal earthquake

A strong (7.8) earthquake hit Nepal in the area near Barpak, a mountain village between capital Kathmandu and tourist town Pokhara. The earthquake was followed by many powerful aftershocks and a new earthquake (6.7) hit Nepal on Sunday April 26. 

The earthquakes caused extensive damage to buildings and thousands of deaths and injuries and was even felt in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Many (historic) buildings collapsed, temples have been ruined, roads destroyed. Nearly 8000 deaths in Nepal and tens of deaths in India & Tibet.

Source: http://www.earthquake-nepal.com/

Reading. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Nepal_earthquake
Listening: http://radio.foxnews.com/2015/04/27/nepal-earthquake-the-race-to-save-lives-video/
Speaking: what do they need and how can we help Nepal at the moment? Discuss
Writing: jot down your ideas.

Check this page:

  • DO YOU NEED HELP? What are the things needed in Nepal after the earthquake?
  • DO YOU WANT TO HELP? How can you help?
  • GROUPS IN RELIEF ACTION: Choose a group and summarize who they are and what's their specific action
  • Now design a poster and a leaflet explaining what happened in Nepal and how we can help. 

In groups of 4 or 5, check the mass media (press, radio, TV, the Internet) and look for news dealing with global issues concerning the environment, poverty, arms trade, war, hunger or others. You will create an online piece of news including: 

a) writing, (e.g. article, chronicle, editorial...)
b) image//infographic/animation (e.g. map, photography, survey graphic...)
c) radio/podcasting  (e.g. interview, pop vox...) 
d) a TV/video story (e.g. stand up)
e) Include also a forum/opinion poll involving social media

Use a blogging device to upload your content. We will discuss if it is better to upload all the groups' contents onto a single blog. 

  • Blogging: wix, blogger, wordpress...
  • Audio: software > Adobe Audition, Audacity, Garageband... uploading > http://voicethread.com/...
  • Video: software >Adobe Premiere, Movie Maker, ... uploading > YouTube, blogger...
  • Free music, ingles and FX (no copyright infringement): 
Then, you will move forward to your own community: look for a story in Badalona to be covered.

5 May 2015

ESO3: Extreme sports... do you dare?

WARM UP: Watch this video... which extreme sports can you spot?


Classify these sports into the following categories: LAND    WATER    AIR
Have you ever practised any of them?
Would you like to practise any of them?

WRITING: WISH LIST- 10 things I want to do before I am 25. 

1. I want to...
2. I would like to...
3. I'd love to...

Example: I want to do bungee jumping in New Zealand!

SPEAKING: Now comment your list with your colleagues. What sports would you do? Which ones you wouldn't do? Why?

LISTENING: Listen to this podcast. What ten extreme sports are mentioned?
1- What does the B in BASE mean? B________ Antennas Spans (Bridges) and Earth (cliffs)
2 - Kayaking is also known as: a) cliff diving  b) caving  c) canoeing
3 - You can explore caves if you practise this sport: c _ _ _ _ _
4 - Choose the correct option: white / blue / black water rafting
5 - A synonym for skydiving is p _ _ _ ch _ _ _ _ _

The origins of bungee jumping. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bungee_jumping

1. Where was the world's first permanent commercial bungee site opened? K_____ B____, in N__ Z_____.
2. When and where did they perform the world's highest jump at (233 metres)? At the M_____ T_____, in A____ 2____.
3. The main material of the elastc rope used in bungee juming is....? L______
4. In what famous French monument did they jump in the 1980s? The E_____ T ______
5. The land-diving ritual on Pentecost has been claimed as an inspiration by AJ Hackett. In what island country is it performed? V_____
EXTRA: Can you mention 5 variants of this sport?

More info @ http://www.ajhackett.com/




ESO1: What's for breakfast?

Watch the video and ask quastions to your colleagues. Test your memory! What's for breakfast around the world?
-What's for breakfast in _____? 
-In ____ they usually have __________ for breakfast.
e.g. -What's for breakfast in the USA?
-In the USA they usually have pancakes, bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Now, answer these questions:
What's a typical breakfast like where you live?
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
What do you usually have for breakfast on Sundays?
What are you having in the break today?
What will you prepare for your next birthday?

Song: YUMMY or YUCKY? Listen to this song and sing along! Stop at 1:50, look at the raining foods and guess whats the next weird combination! Then, in groups, invent another YUCKY combination out of two YUMMY ingredients and we will create our YUCKY menu!


Writing: Let's try to add a piece of fruit in our breakfasts, before coming to school or in the break... or both! During two weeks we are going to divide into groups of 3-5 students and record what we have for breakfast each day. We will classify our breakfasts into three colours, like in traffic lights: red (not healthy), orange (so-so), green (very healthy= this includes at least a piece of fruit!): you discuss and decide on how to apply the colours! The goal is to get as many green squares as possible... and incorporate fruit into our breakfasts! Remember to incude 5-a-day!  This is, three portions of vegetables and two servings of fruit.

Milk chocolate and biscuits

Orange juice and fried eggs

Turkey sandwich and an apple

Listen to this text and comment on the 5 tips:

Reading: have a look to this leaflet.

1. What food is it promoting?
2. Where is it from?
3. What vegetables can you identify on the face (cover)?
4. And in the middle part of the second page? Mention vegetable and colour
5. Can you mention two dishes made with potatoes?

More on colours and vegs: http://www.vegetables.co.nz/resources/1files/pdf/leaflet_eatcolours.pdf

Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ab/4c/7d/ab4c7d47a76975fc300275dfc565e177.jpg

EXTRA!: This advertisement is mute. Shall we create a song to go with it? Pay attention to the vocabulary!

GRAMMAR REVISION (video explanations and exercises): 

20 Apr 2015


We have read about the best job in the world. There was no need for a CV, just a short video, do you want to try for this year's edition? Have a go!
READING & SPEAKING http://www.tourism.australia.com/campaigns/global-youth-project.aspx

This is an example of a creative way to apply for job. We have also listened to different job interviews and sorted all the typical questions you have to be ready for (e.g. strengths and weaknesses, etc.) and the importance of non-verbal communication and the looks.Listen to the man and answer the questions (ltiple choice): LISTENING http://www.esl-lab.com/jobhunting/jobhuntingrd1.htm

Here you can listen to another interview. Please fill in the gaps of the CV/Resume, it will give you a first idea of what it looks like:

Now, imagine yourself in the future, say in 10 years time, and you see the advertisement for your dream job. How would you apply for it? Most surely the ask you to write a motivation letter and to attach a Europass curriculum, so let's practise these!
How to write motivational letterREADING &WRITING
EUROPASS: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/home
Motivation letter models: http://motivationalletter.com/how-to-write-a-motivational-letter-when-applying-for-job/
For a foreign language teacher: http://resumes-for-teachers.com/samples/ESL-teacher-cover-letter-sample.aspx

EXTRA: pinterest on job stuff:
Inphographics DOs and DON'Ts
http://blogs.biz.colostate.edu/ugrad/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2011/10/good-vs-bad-example1.png http://www.findtherightjob.com/seeker/job-interview-body-language-dos-donts/
Online interview tips:


This year you have worked really hard for the contest, and the results have been amazing. Here you can check the blog for the project. Thank you for your implication you are fantastic! Our project continues in collaboration with local NGOs and communicating it via different media so...Keep tuned!

Email from Senegal:

Dear students,

We have visited the SPER school in the outskirts of Dakar. The taxi driver didn't know were it was exactly but he then told us that he knew the cook at the center! When we arrived, Mr Carvalho and the kids welcomed us, they were very polite. Mr Carvalho showed us the facilities of their school: they have a kitchen, a patio, several bedrooms for the kids and a classroom were they have a small bookcase, three big desks and some chairs and a blackboard. He tells us that kids here arrive voluntarily, through different activities they carry on in the streets. Each of them carry sad stories but they are free to explain them or not. In the SPER (Solidarité pour les Enfants de la Rue) they are devoted to help these children, give them shelter, food and education. So you are actually collaborating beyond education.They are in touch with La Puponnière so they will be so kind to deliver the baby materials and toys to them.

They were really happy to receive your contribution: notebooks, pens, colored pencils.... are very much needed here, as well as clothes. They also loved the footballs! So they really thank you from the bottom of their hearts and send you lots of love. Their smile is the best present we can have.

Here you have some pictures from Senegal, people here is very cheerful, nature is impressive and the Pink Lake... is really pink! Hope you were here. In a way you are (look at the walls!).

Best wishes and congratulations for your hard work

Humberto Burcet


 Monsieur Agustin Carvalho, director of SPER:
 Kids receiving your materials!

 Their classroom
 Library and games. They will contact La puponnière for the baby's stuff
We share the same values! Like in our posters. Now you have cooperated in their education process improving their opportunities through access to your materials... and your support!

Pictures from Senegal:
 Giraffe in a Reserve (Bandia)
Cheerful women in Gorée Island (here there was the House of Slaves we talked about in class)
Kids in a small village in the desert. 

 A bird in the Pink Lake!

25 Mar 2015

ESO4: UNIT5 READING: "Borders" by Thomas King (Canada and USA... actually Blackfoot)

Dear students,

Please find attached a reading for Easter Holidays called "Borders", a story about a Blackfoot woman in the border between Canada and the USA.

4th A: Work in your own groups of 3-4 people.
4th B: You can work in pairs (2) or groups of 3-4 people.

Presentation of the paper (treball)
COVER: Title, names, group 4th A/B
Contents (Índex)
1-American Indians: The Blackfoot. Look for information about the Blackfoot: who are they, population, languages, states/provinces where they are located, languages...and 
some of their traditions (traditional economy: _____ hunters and ____ fishers).
 In what area of the following map are they located? (include a map)
2-Look up the vocabulary: find at least 10 words in the dictionary and write them down. 3-Answer the 5 questions at the end of the text. 
4-Make 4 questions about the text (what/who/where/when/why/how/how many/which...) and provide their answer.
For example: What countries does the border separate?
Answer: Canada and the United States of America.
5-Self-assessment. Complete this chart:
From https://mswong2.files.wordpress.com/2003/02/socials-group-project-self.jpg

Deadline-(data d''entrega):15 April 2015

There will be a little test after this about the story and the Blackfoot people.

Happy Easter!

24 Feb 2015

ESO4 Unit 4: Relationships

Watch the video.What are the two meanings of the word "free"?
Now work in pairs. Choose one of the sketches, rehearse and act it out in front of the class!

Revise for the exam!

4 Feb 2015

ESO1: Weather and clothes

Song about the weather:
MASTERD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYeHeCJpV2g

It's... stormy    sunny     rainy    windy    hot   warm   cold   (heavy showers= heavy rain)

What's the weather like in the north of the country on Monday? Heavy showers
What's the weather like in the south on Tuesday?
What's the weather like in the north of the island on Tuesday night?
What's the weather like on Wednesday?
What's the weather like at the weekend?

BBC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSHNkT-V7LY

Complete: rain  warm  stormy   north   sunny

Today: Mainly ______and ______in England and Wales. ______spreading across Northern Ireland, Scotland and Cumbria during the morning, then southwards to Wales and the north Midlands later. Rain clearing places further north. _______in far _______.

American TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLdte1tRPMs

1. Degrees are in... a) ºC (Celsius)  b) ºK (Kelvin) c) ºF (Fahrenheit)
2. They start in the.... a) East Coast   b) Centre of the USA  b) West Coast
3. They end up with the weather in the... a) East Coast   b) Centre of the USA  b) West Coast
4. What day is it?
5. What part of the day?

Weather and clothes: http://youtu.be/imWDaipuxQE

Free book about clothes vocabulary here:

26 Jan 2015

ESO4: Have you ever listened to this song? + Body parts and going to the doctor's (Unit 3)


Form the past participle of these verbs and check its meaning:
REGULAR (-ed): climb-   scale-   crawl-   kiss-
IRREGULAR (3rd column): run-   find-   speak-  hold-

Now, as you listen to this song by U2, order its parts.

Then, check the lyrics.

1-Where is the particle "still" placed?
2-Is the sentence affirmative, negative or interrogative?
3-What two words do we use in the Present Perfect?
Auxiliary: _____ (present tense) + verb  (p____ p______ )
4-When do we usually use the present perfect?
5-In your opinion, what's the meaning of the song?

Look for affirmative and negative forms of the present perfect in the song. Then make the questions that they would answer. For example: Have you climbed the highest mountains? Try adding everyet and already.
Have you ever climbed the highest mountains?
Have you climbed the highest mountains yet?
Have you already climbed the highest mountains?

Quizz: Where are U2 from? What are the two main religions in their country?  What were the Troubles?


How many body parts can you find in the lyrics?

I have climbed the highest mountains
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you.

I have run, I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you.

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.

I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in her finger tips
It burned like fire
(I was) burning inside her.

I have spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone.

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.

I believe in the Kingdom Come
Then all the colours will bleed into one
Bleed into one.
But yes, I'm still running.

You broke the bonds
And you loosed the chains
Carried the cross of my shame
Oh my shame, you know I believe it.

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found

Here you have some games to practise the vocabulary of unit 3.
Try to look up those words you are unfamiliar with
Examples: spleen, pancreas... Where are they? What's their function?

Labelling body parts: 
Description - word-o-rama: 
Other games: http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/health_games/body_parts/body-parts-match-three.html

At the Doctor's:

VOCABUARY: http://www.languageguide.org/english/vocabulary/medicine/

LISTENING: Here you have some video samples to prepare the listening  exercises.

SPEAKING: Prepare a short gag including typical doctor expressions. What's the matter? I've got... Examples:

Doctor-Good morning. What's the matter?
Patient-I've got (a) ... (symptoms)
D-When did it start?
P- ... days ago.
D-Have you already taken any medication?
P- Yes, I've taken (an aspirin...) / No, I haven't.
D-Let's see... It seems you have (a) ... (illness).
P-What can I take?
D-I'll prescribe you some medicine. What do you prefer: (syrup or pills? / tablets or capsules?...)
P-How often should I take them?
D-Once/twice/three times a day/a week, before/during/after the meals.
P-Thank you doctor.
D-Get well soon. Good bye.

20 Jan 2015

ESO3: Giving directions

From: http://www.easypacelearning.com/images/givingdirections.jpg

Have a look to this instructions and follow the instructions of the listening exercise. Then, work in pairs and make your own dialogues!

A-Hello, can you help me?
B-Sure! How can I help you?
A-Where is the...?
B. Go straight ahead. Go past the traffic lights. Then, take the (first/second/third) street on the (left/right).
It's (opposite / next to) the ...
A- Thanks
B-You are welcome

19 Jan 2015

ESO1: Daily routines and question words games

VOC- First, let's revise the daily routines!
https://4blifeinpoland.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/daily-routines.jpgWatch the video below. What are Mr Bean's daily routines?

Then make questions about the video and make your colleagues to answer them: E.g. Where does Mr Bean have breakfast? In the park.

Remember the question words we have learnt.


Work in pairs/groups of three: choose a card at random and make the action so that your classmate guesses whats the routine you are mimicring! Ask questions: E.g. What are you doing? I'm brushing my teeth.

Other videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUXkj6j6Ezw

Revise daily routines (play the cards and mimicry game with your colleagues):

Grammar: Simple Present: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simple-present
Form: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simple-present/form
Exercises on affirmative, negative and interrogative there as well.


Present simple:

Question words: