16 Mar 2020

1BAC: CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN TASKS (until 19th April 2020)

Dear 1st of Bachillerato students,

Here is my proposal for these days. Organize your time and do your best! These are the tasks for Unit 7: Art. As we still don't know how long we'll be out of school, if it takes longer, pay attention to your mail/blog as the activities for Unit 6 (the one we skipped) will be posted if needed. Spread the word among your classmates. 

GOOGLE CLASSROOM: set your google classroom in your Drive of your educand.ad account as we, teachers, are asked to use this resource to follow your academic evolution during this period.  I will send you the PASSWORD to join the class. Just in case, I'll ask you to upload your work both on Google Classroom and your shared Drive folder we were using so far (which for most of you is using your own personal gmail account).

PS. CHALLENGE: play and learn with this free app on your phone or laptop to keep up with your level of English! You can comment on your progress ;) https://es.duolingo.com/

Image result for DUOLINGO GIF

NOTE: When you send your work (and screenshots of results in the activities) to your Drive, name it accordingly (e.g. 2.READING BOOK).

Suggested schedule:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Activity 1 (project) and 2 (reading The Portrait of Dorian Gray) to be done during these days and Easter. Read at your own pace! Challenge: Duolingo 15 minutes a day!
Activity 3: Listening 1+2
Activity 4: Speaking (editing+uploading)

Activity 5A
Activity 5B
Activity 6.VOC
Activity 6.GR

Activity 1+2
Activity 1+2
Activity 1+2
Activity 1+2

1-PROJECT Unit 7. You will have to choose a painter and prepare a presentation with at least these sections:
·         Introduction: your name and the name of your artist and why you chose him/her.
·         his/her life (biography, historical context, family and friends, studies, countries visited),
·         his/her work (evolution, phases, styles, techniques, influences),
·         at least the description of a famous painting (title, museum, technique, composition, colours, meaning, price, anecdotes…). If you compare the two paintings, even better!
·         Conclusion: your opinion and what you learn from your research 

ADD THE AUDIO: you can use VoiceThread or other apps to record and upload your audio. 
Another tool you can use: https://www.soundtrap.com/edu/?lang=es
Audio: .mp3 if possible. 
Format of your choice: PowerPoint, prezi, canvas, genial.ly…
Uploading and deadline: upload it in your shared folder in your Drive and on Goole Classroom.
Duration: 5 to 10 minutes (ideally 7 minutes).
Tips: avoid a copy-paste of information and process the information you select, summarising in your own words when possible; leave explanations for the oral presentation and don’t overload the slides.

POST A COMMENT TO THIS POST to write the name of your painter, AS IN THE EXAMPLE. Please, do not repeat any painter who has already been chosen. Ideas: https://www.brushwiz.com/most-famous-paintings/ OR virtual visits to museums to get inspired: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/75809/12-world-class-museums-you-can-visit-online

Project: an artist 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 0.5
Written material
Spelling, grammar, connectors are…
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
Oral text* + fluency
Rhythm, pauses, intonation are…+
structure and connectors 
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
Information selected, coherence and relevance are...
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
Final product
Visuals and supporting material are…
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
*During the lockdown, focus on fluency, connectors, and structure.

2-READING. The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. + St Patrick’s Day.

Oscar Wilde Quotes On Temptation. QuotesGramYour mission: read the book.
Word document with:
·         For each chapter: 10 vocabulary words + a summary.
·         Your opinion about the book (min. 50 words)
·         An alternative ending (min. 50 words)

"The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame" Oscar Wilde.
Remember the conference of the Hungarian expert in Sex and Literature and read this quote by Oscar Wilde, who was sent to prison 3 months after writing his play “The Importance of being Earnest”. Do you agree?
Oscar Wilde is one of the most famous Irish writers in history. To celebrate St Patrick’s Day, choose one of his celebrated quotes and make a visual: meme, gif… 
Tools you can use: https://pablo.buffer.com/

Oscar Wilde quotes on literature

You can make it bilingual. Look up the words aphorism and epigram in the dictionary and write it down. Can you invent an epigram or aphorism like this?

3-LISTENING 1: https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/las-meninas-art-lovers-upper-intermediate

Listen and play!: match this video and solve the 27 enigmas along! At the end, you will have to include a screenshot with your result. (SCORE on the top right corner)

LISTENING 2: Test: https://forms.gle/h7U4yhtanpBLT3tq6 (do it in Google Classroom!)

Picasso: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HGW1DQO1xQ
According to the video (Score: 1 point per question, except question 0-test):
0. What is the title of the painting? _____________________________________
1. In how many ways can you understand Picasso’s painting? a) 2  b) 5   c) 8
2. What was the speaker’s reaction? a) happy b) contradictory c) sad
3. In primitivism, faces become… a) figurative   b) hyperrealistic  c) masks
4. In this period figures are painted as they are a) conceived  b) perceived  c) seen
5. The chaos of the painting reflects  a) the incoming war period  b) his missing of Spain  c) both


Now... take a pause... relax... and listen. Enjoy the song! Take some colours and draw. Get inspired!

Ready for the following activities? Let's go!

I balconi con i disegni dei bambini - VerbanoNewsAUDIO giving your opinion about abstract art: do you like it? do you understand it? what painters/paintings do you know? Example:

Voluntarily, you can add a creative task, too: a drawing with a message of hope and a song that matches.

Choose a song and draw on a paper what it evokes to you. You know, in Italy, kids have been drawing rainbows with the message "Everything is going to be all right". BTW remember this song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD3F7J2PeYU
What's your message of hope? Once you have finished, take a pictureund upload it.
Upload: the audio and a picture of your drawing (and a link to the song).
Duration: 1-2 minutes aprox.

Level of diction and   intonation  are...
Very good
Pauses, rhythm, are...
Very good
Ideas and info given are...
Very good
AV elements, the drawing and the message are...
Very good

Tool: https://www.soundtrap.com/edu/?lang=es
Audacity is another one of the multiple tools you can use to edit your podcast (even with your phone!). To add music and FX have a look to step 9 here (the rest of steps can help you use this free software): https://podcasts.ceu.edu/how-edit-your-podcast-audacity-step-step-guide


A) You have to write a composition about your trip to Madrid and the museums you visited. In case you didn’t go, a visit to a museum you have ever been to. Who did you go with? When? Why? What works of art did you like the best?
120-150 words. 

B) Describe a painting following the guide (see blog) and include a picture of it in your composition and the source). 
120-150 words. 

The idea is to make a virtual museum on canva, with your texts or even audios. Post your painting HERE over a square and add your comment with a passive, as I did: The Smile of the Flamboyant Wings was painted by Joan Miró in the 1950s. You can then react to your classmates' choices.

Use expressions like these in your description:

In the foreground/background you can see ...
In the foreground/background there is ...
In the middle/centre there are ...
At the top/At the bottom there is ...
On the left/right there are ...
Behind/In front of ... you can see ...
Between ... there is ...

6-BOOK. GRAMMAR + VOCABULARY. Have a look to the students book and complete the exercises on your Workbook of Unit 7. I will provide you the answers. Many might have the books at school, in your lockers. Don't panic.... keep reading!

I will send you a worksheet with activities of grammar and vocabulary you can complete (you will get read for the exam). Moreover, look below:

6.a. VOCABULARY:  Definitions and examples for: landscape, portrait, still life, religious scene, war scene, political/royal scene, figurative, abstract, installation, sculpture.



Have a look to these 4 featured art terms: performative art, Pre-Raphaelite, Impressionism, Land Art. https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms

6.b. GRAMMAR: The Passive
FLIPPED CLASSROOM (online): Here you have the theory and some exercises to drill.
Theory: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar/passive.htm
EXTRA: Exercises: choose your level! https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/passiv.htm

7. RELAX & COPE WITH ANXIETY: if you want to relax, why don't you try a meditation session? Plenty to choose from here to deal with anxiety or streess: https://insighttimer.com/  

Good luck. May the force be with you!
Your favourite teacher,


  1. Remember you have to finish your Presentation of a singer/band (and the karaoke!). Moreover, add here your name and artist for the ARTIST PROJECT (Unit 7).
    0. Humberto: Joan Miró
    1. Aïna: ...
