17 Mar 2020

3ESO: CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN TASKS (until 19th April 2020)

Dear 3rd of ESO students,
Image result for google classroom and driveHere is my proposal for these days. Organize your time and do your best!

GOOGLE CLASSROOM: set your google classroom in your Drive of your educand.ad account as we, teachers, are asked to use this rescource to follow your academic evolution during this period.  I will send you an email inviting you or the PASSWORD to join the class. Just in case, I'll ask you to upload your work both on Google Classroom and your shared Drive folder we were using so far (which for most of you is using your own personal gmail account).

PS. CHALLENGE: play and learn with this free app on your hone or laptop to keep up with your level of English! You can comment on your progress ;) https://es.duolingo.com/

Image result for DUOLINGO GIF
Thanks. So, here we go with your tasks. 

Deadline for all these activities: 20th April.

NOTE: When you send your work (and screenshots of results in the activities) to your Drive, name it accordingly (e.g. 2.READING BOOK).

Suggested calendar (flexible):

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Activity 1 (interview) and 2 +3 (reading The Elephant Man + Bullying) to be done during these days and Easter. Read at your own pace!
Reading book
Activity 4
Activity 5

Activity 6.1
Activity 6.2a
Activity 6.2b
Activity 6.2c
26 27
Activity 8
Activity 7.1
Activity 7.2
Activity 7.3
2 3
Activity 7.4

1-PROJECT Unit 4. Family interview. 

Format: Word document (questions + composition + picture + map) + Audio of the interview
Suggested deadline: Monday 23. Final deadline: 19th April. Answer the questions.

Format: Word document.
Title: 1.Project. Family Homage.
Drive shared folder.
Date:  19th April


Take your phone and look for the Voice Recorder (GRABADORA DE SONIDOS). Record the intervew (in Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese… the language you prefer; prepare the questions in advance!). Take a Picture of the interviewee holding an old picture. Complete the chart. You can make the questions in your language. Then, write the biography in English.
Language of the original interview: _________________________________.
Question Answer
1. Where were you born? When? Where did you live when you were a child?
2. Describe your family.
3. Who were your best friends? What did you play to with your friends?
4. What did you study? How was the school? Do you remember any particular teacher or anecdote?
5. Which was your first job? How old were you? How much did you earn?
6. When did you leave home? Was it easy or difficult? Where did you go?
7. Did you get married? When and where? Who with?
8. How did you meet your partner?
9. Where have you lived in your life?
10. Where have you worked?
11. Where do you live now?
12. What’s your job now?
13. When did you have your first mobile phone?
14. What were your hobbies in the past? And now?
15. What are your plans for the future?

  • If you can, add a picture as a child, teenager and adulto f the interviewee (if you are with him/her, better!).
  • Add a map COLOURING IN the places he/she has lived in and add the date: https://www.amcharts.com/visited_countries/
  • Attach the audio (or video) of your interview if you wish.

WRITING. Write the composition.
·         Introduction: your name and the people you live with at home.
·         Biography: choose a member of your family and make an interview (the older, the better!)
·         Present: Name, age, profession, date of birth, place of birth.
·         Past: jobs he/she has had, marriage, births, places where he/she has lived, when did he/she arrived in Andorra (if you interview a member of your family that lives aborad, it’s ok).
·         Future: plans he/she has for the future.
·         OPTIONAL: you can ask them about the Coronavirus situation: have they ever lived such a situation?
·         Conclusion: your opinion and what you learnt from your research

Uploading and deadline: upload it in your shared folder in your Drive and on Google Classroom. Monday 29.

Assessment: rubric
Project: homage 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 0.5
Written material (in English)
Spelling, grammar, connectors are…
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
Audio material (in your language)
Rhythm, pauses, intonation are…
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
all questions included, answered and in in the composition are
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
Final product
Visuals like photos and map and other supporting material are…
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor

2-READING. The Elephant Man. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxb_1457gGs

Answer the questions.
Format: Word document.
Title: 2. Reading. Elephant Man.
Drive shared folder.
Date:  19th April

Image result for elephant man trailer
Your mission: read the book.
Word document with:
·         For each chapter: 10 vocabulary words + a very short summary.
·         Describe the Elephant Man physically and psychologically (min. 30 words)
·         An alterative ending (min. 30 words)
·         Do you think the Elephant Man suffered from bullying? 

3-BULLYING. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qANaSAQcIgw

LOOK UP: Look up the Word dwarfism / dwarf in the dictionary.

Answer the questions.
Format: Word document.
Title: 3. Listening: Bullying.
Drive shared folder.
Date:  2nd April

LISTENING: Watch this video and answer the questions.

1. What’s the boy’s name?  a) Quaden  b) Alan c) Billy
2. How old is he? a) 8  b) 9  c) 10
3. Where is he from? a) USA  b) New Zealand  c) Australia
4. What’s his mum’s name? a) Karen b) Yarraka  c) Yurena
5. She is an activist for dwarfism and whose rights?  a) Indigenous people b) women c) LGTB
6. Hugh Jackman says he is ___ than he thinks: a) stronger  b) happier  c) smarter
7. The following man talks about: a) anger  b) empathy  c) sandez
8. The first boy says he wants to be his: a) classmate  b) neighour  c) friend
9. And also “don’t ________ to tose boys”: a) talk  b) listen  c) look
10. And “stick ___ for yourself” (=assert): a) up b) down c) still

He received lots of messages of support, because he was feeling really sad, and andry and powerless (his mum too).

TAKE ACTION! SPEAKING: send him a support message! (15-60 seconds).
Format: Audio, video, image with voice... Tools: https://l-www.voki.com/

4. RECYCLING : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OasbYWF4_S8

Answer the questions.
Format: Word document.
Title: 4. Listening: Recycling.
Drive shared folder.
Date:  17th March

1. Who is speaking?
2. Which is the first R?
3. Which carrier bag should we use: plastic or canvas?
4. What is the colour of the container for plastic?
5. And for paper?
6. And for glass?
7. In the video, what are they NOT reusing? Underline.
Skateboard,  paper,   cardboard box,  wooden box, a bottle of plastic, a T-shirt, jeans.
8. What did they use as a pencil pot? a) Toilet roll cylinder b) glass bottle  c) Cola can
9. Using the 3Rs the planet will be… a) cleaner  b) more clean c) cleanest
10. With less contamination we can enjoy a ____ life: a) good  b) better c) best

EXTRA: TAKE ACTION!: find something at home and reuse it in a different way! Post a picture and explain.


5. CORONAVIRUS. LISTEN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-JbDMYmAQM
Answer the questions.
Format: Word document.
Title: 5. Listening: Coronavirus
Drive shared folder.
Date:  18th March
True or false? GLOSSARY: outbreak of disease= brote de enfermedad
Question True False
1. The virus originated in China
2. The first corona virus of the family was found in the 1980s

3. The symptoms are like a common cold

4. A zoonotic disease originates in plants

5. They sold live animals in the Wuhan market

6. The actual source is already confirmed

7. Dry cough, fever and breathing issues are the symtoms

8. Antibiotics can work against the virus

9. You should wash your hands with soap regularly

10. It is called coronavirus because of its colour

TIC-TOC: Gloria Gaynor recorded a Tic-Toc washing her hands for 20 seconds dancing and singing her song I will survive. We must wash our hands throughly. What song would you choose to wash your hands? Try recording a Tic-Toc! Choose a song in English and sing!

Duration: 15-20 seconds

6-GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY. Have a look to the students book and complete the exercises on your Workbook of Unit 5 and 6. Many might have the books at school, in your lockers. Don't panic.... keep reading!

6.1. Keep practising the Future: Suggested activities 1, 2 ,3 4 & 5.
Send a screenshot with your results.

Answer the questions. Send screenshot.
Format: Word document
Title: 6.1. Future
Drive shared folder.
Date:  20th March

6.2. Learn about the Conditionals:

Answer the questions. Send screenshot.
Format: Word document
Title: 6.2a. 1st Conditional. Drive shared folder. Date:  23rd March
Title: 6.2b. 2nd Conditional. Drive shared folder. Date:  24th March
Title: 6.2c. Mixed. Drive shared folder. Date:  25th March

Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB8cDdvj5uc

Copy on your notebook;
first conditional vs second conditional

a) 1st Condicional: https://www.test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/first-conditional-future-time-clauses/
b) 2nd condicional: https://www.test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/second-conditional-unreal-situations/
c) Mixed: https://www.test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/first-and-second-conditionals/
Send a screenshot with your results.


Answer the questions. Send screenshot.
Format: Word document
Title: 7.1 Voc3. Drive shared folder. Date:  30th March
Title: 7.2. Voc4. Drive shared folder. Date:  31st March
Title: 7.3. Voc. 5 Drive shared folder. Date:  1st April
Title: 7.4. Easter. Drive shared folder. Date:  3rd April

7.1. UNIT 3: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/vocabulary/beginner-vocabulary/patterns-materials
7.2. UNIT 4: https://quizlet.com/217992826/match?funnelUUID=0f1fde9f-8762-4605-832a-34bd15c9d4c4
7.3. UNIT 5:  https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/environment
7.4. EASTER: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/easter

EXTRA: Game: https://matchthememory.com/engrev
More games: https://matchthememory.com/tags/recycling

8. DICTATION. Just if you dare...

Send a screenshot with your results.

Format: Word document
Title: 8. Dictation. Drive shared folder. Date: 27th March

9. RELAX & COPE WITH ANXIETY: if you want to relax, why don't you try a meditation session? Plenty to choose from here to deal with anxiety or stress: https://insighttimer.com/ 

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