17 Mar 2020

4ESO: CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN TASKS (until 19th April 2020)

Dear 4th ESO students,

Here is my proposal for these days. Organize your time and do your best! These are the tasks to revise Unit 4, continue with Unit 5 and start Unit 6.  As we still don't know how long we'll be out of school, if it takes longer, pay attention to your mail/blog. Spread the word among your classmates. 

Image result for google classroomGOOGLE CLASSROOM: set your google classroom in your Drive of your educand.ad account as we, teachers, are asked to use this rescource to follow your academic evolution during this period.  I will send you the PASSWORD to join the class. Just in case, I'll ask you to upload your work both on Google Classroom and your shared Drive folder we were using so far (which for most of you is using your own personal gmail account).


PS. CHALLENGE: play and learn with this free app on your hone or laptop to keep up with your level of English! You can comment on your progress ;) https://es.duolingo.com/
Image result for DUOLINGO GIF
So, here we go with your tasks. 

Deadline for them all: 20th April.

NOTE: When you send your work (and screenshots of results in the activities) to your Drive, name it accordingly (e.g. 2.READING BOOK).

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Activity 2 (reading Henry VIII and his SIx Wives) to be done during these days and Easter. Read at your own pace! Same for DuoLingo: just 15 minutes every day!

Activity 1
Activity 3.1+2
Activity 3.3+4
Activity 4

Activity 5
Act. 6.1+2+3
Activity 7.1
Activity 7.2

Activity 7.3
Activity 8
Activity 9

1-READING BULLY. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/graded-reading/bully-level-1

Do the activities: Do the preparation exercise first. Then read the text and do the exercises to check your understanding. (True or False + Fill in gaps)
Format of your choice: screenshot of results (paste on a Word document).
Uploading and deadline: upload it in your shared folder in your Drive and on Google Classroom.

2-READING BOOK. Henry VIII and his Six Wives.

Image result for henry viii 6 wives coverYour mission: read the book.

Format - Word document with:

·         For each chapter: 10 vocabulary words + a summary.

·         Describe Henry VIII and each of his 6 wives.

·         Your opinion about the book (min. 40 words)

·         An alterative ending for the narrator (min. 40 words)

3-LISTENING. Here you have some Listening activities, with exercises to do before and alter  listening to the audio.  Send a screenshot for each activity with the title provided and share it in your Drive Folder (and eventually in Google Classroom). Optional: answer the discussion question.

3.1. LISTENING 1:  Difficult situations.

3.2. LISTENING 2:  Organising your time.

3.3. SPEAKING 1: Giving your opinion.

3.4. SPEAKING 2: TV recommendation.

I’m sure you will match severeal film and series on platforms like Netflix. Get ready to recommend any film or series to your classmates recording a podcast in your Voice Recorder (Grabadora de Sonidos): your mobile phone should have an app for that. NO SPOILERS, please! Include:
Name of film/series; main actors; setting (where and when it happens); a summary to call the attention (no spoilers), why you like it and who would you recommend it to. You can add music or effects to make it more interesting.

Podcast 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5
Level of diction and intonation are...
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
Pauses, rhythm, are...
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
Grammar and agreement are...
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor
Ideas, info, music provided are...
Excellent Very good Average Improvable Poor

Tool:  You can use: https://www.soundtrap.com/edu/?lang=es

Audacity is anotherone of the multiple tools you can use to edit your podcast (even with your phone!). To add music and FX have a look to step 9 here (the rest of steps can help you use this free software): https://podcasts.ceu.edu/how-edit-your-podcast-audacity-step-step-guide

4. WRITING 1: INNOVATION.  You are a famous inventor invited to the Jornada de les Ciències in 2050.  You are presenting your 3 best inventions ever for the future. Describe its function, material, price, name and instructions to make it work. Try to add a picture or drawing!  Min. 30 words per invention (30 x 3= 90 words). 
Format: Word, powerpoint, prezi, canvas, genial.ly…as you prefer

5. WRITING 2: MODALS. Create an inforgraphy (design a poster) with 10 rules to be followed in class. Example:

Use different modals and find images for each or some of the rules. Make it attractive. Genial.ly is a great tool for that.
Format: Word, powerpoint, prezi, canvas, genial.ly…as you prefer

Student's and workbook. GRAMMAR + VOCABULARY. Have a look to the students book and complete the exercises on your Workbook of Unit 5 and 6. Many might have the books at school, in your lockers. Don't panic.... keep reading!


7. GRAMMAR: Screenshot of results.

7.1. Revise the conditionals. (Unit 4)

Theory: https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-conditional.htm
Practise: https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-conditional_quiz.htm

7.2. The passive (Unit 5)
Copy on your notebook.
Image result for active vs passive voice simple tenses

FLIPPED CLASSROOM (online): Here you have the theory and some exercises to drill.
Theory: https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar/passive.htm
EXTRA: Exercises: choose your level! https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/passiv.htm

7.3. Modals. (Unit 6)
Copy on your notebook

Image result for modals

Exercises 1-6: https://agendaweb.org/verbs/modals-mixed-2-exercises.html

Activities 8, 9 & 10 are EXTRA/OPTIONAL: Send a screenshot with your results.

8. DICTATION. Try if you dare!
9. EXTRA (Opional): Driving license online test. Road signs.
10. Use apps such as DuoLingo: CHALLLENGE: 15 minutes a day of English. Keep your marks high!

And if you want to relax, why don't you try a meditation session? Plenty to choose from here to deal with anxiety or streess: https://insighttimer.com/

Good luck. May the force be with you!
Your favourite teacher,


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