20 May 2020

4ESO. UNITS 8+9. Robots, apps, AI: essay. Tense revision (5 June)

 1) LISTENING + SPEAKING: Watch this futuristic short video.
1a) L: Answer the questions and send your correction: https://www.liveworksheets.com/qf28477sz
1b) S: Send an audio (.mp3) with your opinion and how do you imagine the future in 2050
  • Use the Future tense: In the future, there will be.../ there won't be...: habrá / no habrá). 
  • The future passive: All housework will be done by robots, for example, cooking will mean activating a 3D printer of your food...
  • Use vocabulary related to all topics we have dealt during the year: school, jobs, leisure, art, routines, food, transport, houses, sport, environment, technology, medicine... you name it! (min. 60 seconds; format .mp3)

2) READING + WRITING: https://www.liveworksheets.com/ur392604rz
2a) R: Complete the worksheet and send your results (don't do the writing here)
2b) W: Write a for/against essay about the use of Robots following the model.

3) GR: Tenses review: https://www.liveworksheets.com/bf1712cx

Will Artificial Intelligence Save or Doom Humanity? | Mark ...

Extra! Pronunciation: https://www.liveworksheets.com/kk298qt
A Parent's Review of ClassDojo
Extra point on Classdojo!

19 May 2020

2BAC. Ebau drill: Models 1-4 (June 5)

Extremadura hará repetir exámanes de Selectividad por ...

Dear students,

Here you have an important notice about EBAU modifications for exams. As I told you: more flexibility, in our case, is not for free, as there will discount marks for your mistakes. Therefore, think your answers carefully and double-check your compositions. Morever, remember the tips: use paragraphs, check punctuation, include phrasal verbs, mind lexical precision, etc.

My plan from now on is for you to do 2 models of exams per week. We have 2 weeks ahead until 5th June now, so start with these 4 exams (sent via email). There is a total of 10. I want to know about the way you think it will be better to correct them. I can send you the answers and then you reflect on your mistakes, keeping a diary of things to revise for example.

As usual, I will propose some structures for a bonus, to be used on our compositions. M stands for Model. If you don't take the EBAU exam for English, just 2 out of 4.

In principle, on June 5th you will get the answers for these 4 exams and more models for you to practice. If you need them before, I'm happy to share them with you.

Best wishes!!!

  • READING: Animal Farm
  • SPEAKING: Travel podcast
  • PROJECT: CV + Cover letter + Job interview
The first model is about Vietnam tourism... Get the flavour! Video to know about Vietnam better (and an inspiration for your Travel podcast!)

LAST VOLUNTARY ACTIVITY. Watch the video... then, send me the video you will want to watch in 2032. Also, in your email, a message on what you liked the most and what you would improve from my English lessons this year. Your feedback will help me improve as a teacher. Moreover, it will help you round up your marks! I wish you lots of travel (when we can), it is a great way to learn... and good luck for the best journey you can have... your lives! Keep in touch!!! BEST WISHES. Humberto.

3ESO. UNIT 8+9: Revision and catch up (5 June)

Using Pronouns Who, Which, Where, Pronouns who, where, which in ...

Hello guys!

Time to revise and catching up!

5th June: Unit 8+9 (x3 activities)

  • 1) GR. Who or which?  
1a) https://es.liveworksheets.com/bq357042rq 
1b) https://es.liveworksheets.com/mr306012md

Catching up: TOTAL ACTIVITIES= [x20]

26th April: ST JORDI (x2 activities)

3rd May: UNIT 8 (x6 activities)

11th May: UNIT 7 (x4 activities)

19th May: UNIT 7 (x5 activities)

Cómo deshacer el envío de un email de Gmail aunque lo hayas ...

1BAC. Units 8+9: Relationships (25 May & 5 June)

A Studio Photo Of A Bar Of Soap Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty ...Friends' se va de Netflix en 2020 para mudarse a otra plataforma ...
Why is soap opera called soap opera?

For example, She just watches soap operas all day long. This term originated in the mid-1930s and was so called because the sponsors of the earliest such radio shows were often soap manufacturers.
What's the difference between sitcom and comedy?
As nouns, the difference between comedy and sitcom is that comedy is archaic (Ancient Greek) as a choric song of celebration or revel while sitcom is a situation of comedy: an episodic comedy television program with a plot or storyline based around a particular humorous situation.

Actvities: For 25th May...

1) LISTENING: Friends: https://eslvideo.com/quiz.php?id=34903#
2) READING: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading/intermediate-b1-reading/friendship-quiz
3) VOC: https://www.liveworksheets.com/vr45493gp
4) PHRASAL: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/vocabulary/advanced-vocabulary/family

For 2nd June...

5) WRITING + SPEAKING: soap opera/sitcom scene (for radio or TV)

It can be based on a joke, on a series you like, on your own experience, totally invented. Ideas: a message in an answering machine to break up, how someone says she is pregnant to her partner, an ice-breaker to flirt with the one you have a crush, etc. You can use background music and FX. Use an array of tenses and grammar structures according to what you have studied during the course: several tenses, conditionals, modals, the passive, relative clauses, reported speech...

You can start like: We need to talk... 

Format: written script + audio (.mp3) or video (.mp4)

  • a) Sitcom/soap opera scene.
  • b) Comical monologue. Topic: relationships
  • c) Love song: sing a love song (karaoke)

Score=       /10

Use of complex and rich structures, no mistakes
Use of complex structures, few mistakes
Use of simple structures, some mistakes

Poor use of structures, many mistakes
Fluency / Interpretation

Engaging rhythm and intonation, rich use of connectors
Good command of pauses and rhythm, right use of linkers
Many pauses, broken speech, few connectors
Difficult to follow, Basic connectors (and, but, also)
Content / Originality

Enriched answers; wide lexical repertoire.
Correct answers, good lexical items, phrasal verbs.
Dialogues with some imprecision, few phrasal verbs
Very simple and concise dialogues, no phrasal verbs
Level of formality according to the situation and characters
Formality according to the situation and characters. Some colloquial words
Quite suitable, more or less according to the situation and characters
Somehow suitable, not much according to the situation
Non-verbal communication 
Very believable: appearance, remarkable gestures, eye contact, and backgrounds; great music, FX...
Quite professional: appearance, suitable gestures, eye contact and background. Good music, FX...
Somehow professional: appearance, gestures, eye contact and background. Music and FX are OK.
Very amateur:  appearance,  poor gestures, eye contact and/or background. No music or FX.

11 May 2020

2BAC: EBAU practise + Listening + Speaking (job interviews) (18 May)


I know we are burning the candles at both ends, but it will be worth it in order to move up in the world! So don't be hanging by a thread and let's nail it!

Activity 4) Tense exercise


1) Reading:

2) Usage: https://www.liveworksheets.com/ht40978sc

3) Grammar https://www.englishgrammar.org/exercises/ (4th exercise on TENSES) *see picture above

4) Vocabulary. Phrasal verbs (3 exercises):

5) Morphology:

6) Listening:

7) Writing: write a paragraph using at least 5 of these expressions or other idioms (underline them). Explain these expressions below your text:

Example: That day I was feeling under the weather. I had bought a new laptop that cost me an arm and a leg but I wish I hadn't bought it online. I just clicked on a pop-up ad which promised me a great discount if I used a new app and... curiosity killed the cat. Of course, I had butterflies in my stomach before receiving the parcel with my brand new laptop. However, I ended up paying a lot more than expected for the shipping taxes, and I almost lose my marbles when I saw the receipt! I told my brother not to tell my parents about it... but he couldn't wait to spill the beans. Often, great offers appear online but we have to be aware of scams! Now, I am as broke as a church rat. If I could go back in time... I would change my mind.

Under the weather= sad...

Hack: use complex structures such as conditionals I wish/if onlycomparisons, the passiverelative pronouns/clauses and reported speech!
Also, try to use an array of idioms, sayings and phrasal verbs in your composition!
ATTENTION: Mind the register! to die => FORMAL to pass away / INFORMAL to kick the bucket
Make sure you use the right register of formality according to the context!

Example: That day I was feeling under the weather. I had bought a new laptop that cost me an arm and a leg but I wish I hadn't bought it online. I just clicked on a pop-up ad which promised me a great discount if I used a new app and... curiosity killed the cat. Of course, I had butterflies in my stomach before receiving the parcel with my brand new laptop. However, I ended up paying a lot more than expected for the shipping taxes, and I almost lose my marbles when I saw the receipt! I told my brother not to tell my parents about it... but he couldn't wait to spill the beans. Often, great discounts are offered online but we have to be aware of scams! Now, I am as broke as a church ratIf I could go back in time... I would change my mind.

Introduction - Idioms and Proverbs


Imagine it’s 2026, you have finished your studies, have got some experience in your filed and suddenly, you see an opportunity of a life time: a vacancy for your dream job! Send the CV and cover letter and get ready for an online interview. Bear in mind the most frequent questions and the non-verbal communication! Also check your device (mobile phone, laptop…) in order to avoid technical problems in advance. Good luck!

Choose your preference for the 10’ interview via Google Meet. I will send you the link accordingly, in advance. Choose your slot by Friday 15, please. Schedule for next week: 18-22 May


















Score=       /10

Use of complex and rich structures, no mistakes
Use of complex structures, few mistakes
Use of simple structures, some mistakes

Poor use of structures, many mistakes

Engaging rhythm and intonation, rich use of connectors
Good command of pauses and rhythm, right use of linkers
Many pauses, broken speech, few connectors
Difficult to follow, Basic connectors (and, but, also)

Enriched answers; wide lexical repertoire.
Correct answers, good lexical items, phrasal verbs.
Answers with some imprecision, few phrasal verbs
Very simple and concise answers, no phrasal verbs
Very formal, according to the situation
Formal, according to the situation. Some colloquial words
Quite formal, more or less according to the situation
Somehow informal, not according to the situation
Non-verbal communication
Very professional appearance, remarkable gestures, eye contact, and  background
Quite professional appearance, suitable gestures, eye contact and background.
Somehow professional appearance, gestures, eye contact and background.
Unprofessional appearance,  poor gestures, eye contact and/or background