Dear students, this is definitely one of my favourite topics, I hope you enjoy it and travel as much as you can to discover new cultures and expland your horizons!
0. STUDENTS BOOK AND WORKBOOK. GRAMMAR + VOCABULARY. UNIT 5 vocabulary is about Travel, and the grammar is about Reported Speech. Have a look at the student's book and complete the exercises on your Workbook. You wil receive the answers soon. Deadline: alter Easter (11th April 2021).
1. VOCABULARY: https://www.ieltsspeaking.co.uk/ielts-holiday-vocabulary/
Make sure you get the meaning of these expressions. E.g. off the beaten track, tourist trap... Choose 10 and write a paragraph using them in context.
Good luck. May the force be with you!
EXTRA: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/topics/holidays/term
FLIPPED CLASSROOM (online): Here you have the theory and some exercises to drill. Copy the table of reported speech on your notebooks.
Theory: https://www.
Exercises: https://www.
Exercises (different
levels): https://agendaweb.
3-LISTENING: https://www.
Listen to these
announcements and answer the questions. Ad the screenshot of your results on your Powerpoint.
4-SPEAKING. Listen to a travel podcast of your choice. Then, prepare and record an audio giving tips to young people about a destination of your choice. As you will see, a podcast must include some music, it might include sound effects and it is important to modulate the rhythm, pauses, and intonation. I will attach 2 examples from last year students to have an idea: Selena's did it individually, Dani and Luis did in couple. Duration: from 1 to 5 minutes. You can work in pairs (virtually though!... given our current situation).
Students' examples:
Podcast |
2 |
1.5 |
1 |
0.5 |
0 |
Pronunciation Level of diction and intonation are... |
Excellent |
Very good |
Average |
Improvable |
Poor |
Fluency Pauses, rhythm, connectors are... |
Excellent |
Very good |
Average |
Improvable |
Poor |
Accuracy Spelling, agreement, tenses... |
Excellent |
Very good |
Average |
Improvable |
Poor |
Content Ideas/tips, lexicon, phrasals and info given are... |
Excellent |
Very good |
Average |
Improvable |
Poor |
Music/effects Sound elements like music/FX are... |
Excellent |
Very good |
Average |
Improvable |
Poor |
a) A travel experience. 120-150 words.
Follow the tips. https://www.
b) A formal hotel reservation. Follow the example.
Have a look to these examples and feel free to participate in the forum:https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/life-around-world/why-it-important-travel
More: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/topics/holidays/term